Suggestion Add jewels

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by cigarbennett, Jan 18, 2024.

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  1. cigarbennett

    cigarbennett Board Analyst

    First you need to add jewel trinkets. There is room in the special bag to add them. Players will buy/farm ander to add jewels slots. You can charge ander first to add a slot for the jewel trinket. Then charge ander again to add jewel slots to the jewel trinket. Could even have Emilia sell the trinkets on premium day.

    Then I would like to see new Jewels added to the game. Jewels that are set specific. The game already has pumpkin jewels that enhance the 1h and off hand Halloween gear. The sewer event has the poison jewel for the necklace. Similar to these jewels. There are so many sets players never even use. Adding Jewels that are specific to fill in some of the gaps to the stats would encourage players to try them.

    The developer and players will never agree on what is a fair. I get it you don't want players OP over night. But please the developer needs to kind of meet the players half way. Players are not going to jump thru hoops for a meaningless improvement.

    Example a jewel to enhance the Black Warlord set maybe adds a cool down to jump or any kind enchantment that would fill in something the set lacks. Same with almost all the sets a jewel for the Mortis sets that increases the chance to activate the Dragon or Syth. Sargon set a jewel that reduces cool down. It does not have to be a jewel to just add damage or other major stats. But something that enhances the set to fill in a hole.

    Players will spend money and increase their play time if they can improve their toon. Players will work on multiple sets if there was a way to fill some of the holes in the sets.

    Again jewels that are specific to sets to fill in the gaps. Developer use your imagination on the enhancement.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
    Javah and DocWhisky like this.
  2. DocWhisky

    DocWhisky Forum Mogul

    There is room for 2 more jewel trinkets were the other 3 are, could make those dedicated to gear set specific jewels.
    trinkets and slots can be bought, but like rune and jewel trinkets they should be farmable, and should come with at least 1 slot.
    Maybe a trinket that can be crafted with specific mats that are farmed in the area where the set comes from.. As it is a game that needs to turn a profit, for those that can afford and are willing to spend $$$ on the game, all or most items can be purchased.
    As for me.. it would have to be something so enticing, like maybe rage jump for DK costs no rage ( like it used to be) before I would consider spending money...
    Just my 2 cents worth..
    Thanks, Doc.
    Javah likes this.
  3. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    These are requests that I would really like to be heard, even if I highly doubt it: strengthening sets would require to think, test, correct the modifications, due to the risk of making them too powerful and thus creating other BGH cases. While at the same time they still have dozens of "promises/intents" dated January 2023 in pending phase... rather than more substantial innovations that can restart the revenues which I imagine are almost dropped to zero due the recent giveaway of premium accounts (not that I care... but I guess that BP/Youzu does).

    Talking just about the trinkets, since they were introduced I immediately imagined that someday they could become a "container" for some enchantment, exactly like the various items that make up our equipment.

    It could be implemented through the farm of a particular ingredient that would allow players to add up to a pair of "special" trinkets at the top right of the inventory window, each capable of hosting a few slots for gems and related enchantments to be opened/transferred via jeweler/workbench. A very difficult ingredient to obtain, which has some chance of dropping during or after the completing of certain daily quests in one or more Dracania maps randomly chosen by the game, day after day.

    This is just a draft idea of course but I think
    1) it would be pretty easy and quick to implement at the development level;
    2) it would finally give something meaningful to do to those who have been end-game for a while, and are dying of boredom every time they log in... certainly in the wait for something more substantial and juicy, as aforementioned;
    3) it would FINALLY renew/replace the daily quests horrific system, after almost a decade in which it has persecuted those who decide to face it, endlessly rolling its (almost) useless rewards;
    4) it would help revitalize dozens of maps that become useless and abandoned as soon as the few things to do within them run out.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
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