Add transfer finally please.

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by franta89, Jul 5, 2024.

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  1. franta89

    franta89 Forum Greenhorn

    As title said make transfer possible please... its not fun playing on Death Harold server where are 10 players. And playing from zero after xxx dollars spent on my char is not fun too.. I'm thinking about guitting game and im sad. This game is good but there is like zero suport for players. Lot of online games have transfer at least for money.
    jeffzrx, fodao94 and FAALHAAS like this.
  2. fodao94

    fodao94 Forum Greenhorn

    true it would be very good!
  3. ABC

    ABC Moderator Team Drakensang Online

    If you have the time and opportunity, do consider trying out some of the other servers :) Growing characters has become much more faster than before (compared to the game years ago), so it is not uncommon to find players with multiple maxed characters on multiple servers. With that said, the prospect of new communities to play with might increase the appeal of playing in other servers as well ^^
  4. franta89

    franta89 Forum Greenhorn

    Its not about time and opportunity. Its about spent money on death server. Other games when servers are empty have transfers or server merging. But this game is from BP, they want only money not happy players. So I'm just leaving game finally. I dont want spent another hundred dollars on new char only cuz server is dead :)