After Andrakasch, no quests?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Krist143, Sep 24, 2021.

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  1. Krist143

    Krist143 Forum Greenhorn

    Hello Players,

    I am at lvl 44 and I have completed all quests and I am in Andrakasch Urban Area. I am trying to get into either "Dwarven Expedition Camp" which is level 41 or "The Splintered City of Cardhun" which is lvl 50 which I dont think I can get into.

    Can anyone let me know what to do next? I can able to get into Stillwater Bay to get into Dwarven Expedition Camp??
  2. gbit

    gbit Forum General

    if I remember well (but I'm not so sure, too much time has passed...), you must reach lvl45 and new quests will show up.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2021
  3. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    As @gbit suggested, most of the transitions between areas require you hit the level cap for the area you've just finished; this includes hitting level 45 to fully move past Myrdosch.

    Kill bosses (Heredur through Destructor, but you'll probably do well to focus on Sigrismarr) on Painful until you level up. If you want to maximize your runs and don't have a lot of Keys of Prowess, do the lower level repeatable crafting quests each day.

    You'll hit 45 fairly quickly. When you next go to Stillwater Bay (there should be a doorway in the SE corner of Andrakasch), new quests will pop up.

    Don't worry about Cardhun: You won't be ready for parallel worlds for 6-12 months, maybe longer, unless you can hook up with stronger players who'll let you tag along on runs in those dungeons.
    gbit likes this.