Suggestion AI PVP for beginners

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by fourtwenty68, Apr 16, 2015.

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  1. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    i have seen lots of lvl 45 players who are recruits.
    lowest rank i seen in pvp is lvl 45 my group,me being an ard knight of the order.
    but now they would like to pvp but they cant get a match because there rank is too low.
    maybe an arena where you fight AI's to help increase your fame. possibly to cent or higher.
    just a thought,thx :D
    or maybe an AI challenge for any rank n lvl.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    No, AI are stupid, and if it is even remotely fair, people could get W/L ratios that are unrealistic and then people will complain when they have to deal with real fights. This coming from a LVL 45 who started PvPing as a Legionnaire and was regularly fighting Flag Bearers. It is tough, but PvP is something to be earned, not handed out.
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Unrelated but ... somewhat related I guess... It would be nice if there was some kind of a practice/tutorial where you gained nothing but knowledge about how the various PvP events work. I don't PvP (a few truly miserable experiences and figured it wasn't for me). Now that I've been around more, I realize I should have learned early on. If there was a way for me to have seen what Capture the Flag was for example, without screwing up real players, that would have been helpful. Heck! Maybe even a tutorial set of videos on it would be good (not other players playing when you don't know what they are doing or why).

    I'd love to have some kind of practice arena where I learned things without making other players lose at my expense.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That I can agree with... It would be nice to have a practice area where we can try out combos, new weapons/armor sets, strategies... No arguments there.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Practice area already exists. Just enter the Arena without going through a match :)
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    But that includes honor points, damages armor, and costs ander or armor damage to revive/respawn. It is also dependent on having a partner willing to work with you and being left alone by anyone else who is in that arena. I wouldn't mind seeing a practice area where an individual or a team could practice against dummies for no gain except knowledge and experience (and I don't mean the in game kind).
  7. fourtwenty68

    fourtwenty68 Board Analyst

    i wish people could read,because i hate repeating myself.o_Oo_O
    this is for for lvl 45's who haven't pvp ever,and now i cant group with my guildies.
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