Am I missing some basic factor?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by cdeepal, Apr 25, 2015.

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  1. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    It seems I don't really have the hang of how damage/defense works in PvP.

    Yesterday, a level 12 ranger one hit me (myself a level 15 ranger) for a whopping 2460 damage and I am dead.

    Let's do some basic maths according to my understanding.
    According to DrakenSang Optimizer I have 66% resistance against a level 12 player.

    That means, without the armor that hit would have been 7200+
    Let's say the guy has about 250% crit (which is quite difficult for a level 12 to have)
    which puts a basic non-crit hit around 2900

    I don't remember whether I was marked, but let's say I was marked and it was a precision shot, so that makes his base damage to be 1200

    He was using a blue bow and there is no way, a level 12 with a blue bow can have 1200 base damage.

    It seems my understanding about damage/defense is wrong.
    Can someone please help me understand this?

    Now, if we don't take the armor into account, then his base damage would be around 400 and which I think is possible.
    In that case, it seems his hit totally ignored my armor. Would that be a possibility?
  2. guinsoo

    guinsoo Forum Apprentice

    Precision shot is 300% in pve,330% in pvp(i guess no one would choose the other talent).
    That means 877 dmg he has.
    And the honor level affect the dmg too.
    If he pays alot with a lvl50 perfect blue bow,that's very easy to reach.
  3. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Hmm, ok. I think I ignored the fame level factor. Since he was an Ardent Centurion that gives him about 30% more damage than base, so that would put his base damage around upper 500s.

    Ok, it makes sense. If he has paid for gems, yes he could achieve that with a blue bow.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Congrats, you meet a twink. They have been ruining PvP for new players for over 2 years.
    Missymoo likes this.
  5. guinsoo

    guinsoo Forum Apprentice

    My friend has a heavily paid DK,he had 8000hp 600dmg AT 30lvl ,he stood at the respawn point to kill while carrying the flag in 5v5.:D
    But he got bored and lvled up.Now he is still a legionare:D
  6. Mario_Boss

    Mario_Boss Regular

    That is why I got on lvl 45 asap. Than farmed for many months then started arena. But hey do as you like just sharing my expirience
  7. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    No, I don't have a problem with him doing insane amount of damage.
    Just trying to understand the math/game mechanics.
  8. Nasabot

    Nasabot Forum Greenhorn

    The honor level is actually reducing damage overall!

    If both player have lv 50 honor level, total damage is reduced by 33%

    I also wondered about the math in some PvP cases, because I always consider my own stats. And then think my DK is decent and it would take ~8 seconds to kill myself(high offense, medium defense) but then I face a ranger who kills me in like 3 hits in 2 seconds. HOW

    If I look at high end character threads, I see that the best character have a DPS of of 3-4x more.
    Also I am not playing at lv 45, but on something like Lv 39(me) vs lv 35(!)

    There really must be people who have low level characters in full legendary items and high tier gems.
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