
Discussion in 'General Archive' started by, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. Forum Apprentice

    Hey DSO,

    I'm trying to buy ander but i keep getting error message. Contactin the support seems to ask of me information I don't know... Trying via game client and browser, same error message telling me an error occured... Ideas?
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If they can't help you with out this information, what makes you think we can... how about you ask them what they mean instead of coming to the forums with no info... I mean, you didn't even give us a image of the error or at least what it said? Just like support, I'm not psychic and need details if you want help.
  3. Forum Apprentice

    Well im not talkin to you but to the DSO team to figure that out. And like i said a message written in it "an error occured". Please don't comment something before you figure out what is up

    Problem has been solved, the thread can be closed.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 27, 2014
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Lol, good luck to the team if you can't even tell support what they need to know. I doubt this can be resolved on the forum unless you can give the relevant details to the problem.

    EDIT: Lucky you. But next time you expect the forums to fix your stuff for you instead of support, tell us all the details or don't be surprised that no one can/will help.
  5. Forum Apprentice

    Lol you really should start reading bro.
  6. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    Closing per original poster's request.
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