Announcement Anniversary Event Maintenance/Hotfix

Discussion in 'Patchnotes and Maintenance' started by Shanty, Sep 13, 2023.

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  1. Shanty

    Shanty User

    Dear Heroes of Dracania!
    There will be a maintenance starting in 30mins:

    11:00 start countdown
    11:30 start maintenance
    12:00 maintenance finish

    Anniversary Event Changelog:
    • Added a golden pinata truncheon in the last bar of the anniversary event.
    • Pinata truncheon price has been slightly increased, but also the amount of times you can purchase it per day.
    • Increased the item drop from the last anniversary chest in the arena maps.
    • The minimum rarity of gem from the gem pinata is now polished.
    • Community coins have been now added to each 3 consecutive progress bars (75 in total).
    • Increased the easter troll chances % inside the arena.
    • All gems from Golden Pinatas have been changed to Imperial.
    • Increased the amount of Premium Elixirs gained from Larcenous Dark Dwarves event.
    • Reworked the amount of crystals required to buy the new mount, the old mount and the new pet from Phestos.
    • Added a Pinata near Grima.
    • Added new cooking mechanic from the Anniversary Cake in Kingshill.
    • Added a new Anniversary Cake and recipe to craft it.
    • Added a new Guardian Angel costume and recipe to craft it.
    • Added a new Angel Wings mount, obtainable from one of the golden pints
    Additional Sync notes:
    • Added a Reward Shop button to the Larcenous Dark Dwarves Challenge event window.
    • The daily quest to collect eggshells and egg-openers have been removed.
    • Fixed an issue where the new CE Bosses in Primal Spark and Azar's Pit were not dropping Marks of Bravery for an Anniversary Event Quest.
    • Several unintended spawn locations of anniversary eggs in Lava Path has been fixed.
    • Fixed a text issue with Smuggler's Greed event progress.
    • Fixed an issue where mind control didn’t work on Ghostified Pumpkins spawned by Gwenfara.
    • Fixed an issue where runes were not dropping in Land of Immortal maps.
    • Fixed a text issue with the achievement for Killing 250 Bosses in Dracanian Challenge Arena
    • Fixed an issue where herb icon was stuck at the center in Lava Path.
    • Fixed an issue where rangers could exploit BGH set in PvP.
    Your Drakensang Online Team dso_12th_dracanian_ann_master_teaser.jpg
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