
Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Mr.Poitin, Aug 7, 2023.

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  1. Mr.Poitin

    Mr.Poitin Forum Apprentice

    When start anniversary event?
  2. dam18

    dam18 Junior Expert

    It is written 3-5 other places on the forum that it is coming next month (September).
  3. Mr.Poitin

    Mr.Poitin Forum Apprentice

    Sep is DTU. Agu is Anniversary..
  4. Paladin21

    Paladin21 Forum Apprentice

  5. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    DTU is postponed indefinitely, it could even go to new year or maybe never again. About the Anniversary the only thing we know is "postponed to September", the date is TBA.