Any Good Active Russian Guild??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by He11Gu4rd, Mar 1, 2014.

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  1. He11Gu4rd

    He11Gu4rd Forum Greenhorn

    Hi guys,i am lvl 44 near to become 45 and i need a good russian active guild ,i am ardent centurion so please hope anyone to answer.
  2. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    hi, what is your server first of all?
  3. He11Gu4rd

    He11Gu4rd Forum Greenhorn

  4. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

  5. yamahamm

    yamahamm Advanced

    Russkajagvardija or armagedon (spelled in Russian letters)
  6. He11Gu4rd

    He11Gu4rd Forum Greenhorn

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