Any guild for my ranger? :)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Starfaaker, Feb 16, 2014.

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  1. Starfaaker

    Starfaaker Forum Apprentice

    Class: ranger
    IGN: Starfaaker
    Server: grimmag
    Lvl: 31
    Rank: AKOTO
    ENGLISH speaking people

    Looking for a good guild that can help me get through parallel worlds (without xp if possible :)
    Contact me in game when i'm online. I will post my stats if it's some bad ass guild :p
  2. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    if you were in Agathon i play there, I help my low lv pvp members get through the pws. without xp. I would love to have to you . sadly different servers =/
  3. Starfaaker

    Starfaaker Forum Apprentice

    Sadly I don't play on Agathon. Thanks anyway :)
  4. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

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