Arena increased time out

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by moby31, Apr 27, 2014.

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Arena time out increased for those who leave the battle voluntary

Poll closed May 4, 2014.
  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. not sure

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  1. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Recently i have observed new tendency in arena if the battle takes too long or losing some ,very bright players , leave the battle and Elo system won't replace them so my idea is to increase time out up to 30 min
    I'm aware that some experiencing nebula error when in arena , take this into your account while voting
  2. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    And by time out you mean arena ban for leaving?
  3. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    Maybe not ban,ban but if the time out will be increased those bright will think twice before they leave and by this put the rest of the team into situation when winning is almost impossible i'm talking about 3v5 ,1v3 4v6
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  4. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    Well, i had to ask, for example i have awful connection. Sometimes when i'm in arena(in pve to) i need to make fast reconnect to unfreeze my lag, :p and if i'm not fast enough it result as kick from arena and ban of 15 minutes, that's why i asked. So my vote is "not sure". :p
  5. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    I know :rolleyes:
    that's why i said take errors into your account before voting (job for devs to take those two apart ;)) but sure if this trend will continue more people will complain
    pfff my first poll and so unpopular ....:rolleyes:
  6. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Hm, when I play pvp (read; 5v5) and that amazing little system of ours puts me with legionnaire tank vs field marshal tank, or with those who are obviously first time in 5v5, and does that many times in a row, I leave. It's easier to leave than to be angry. :D But I don't mind even if it's 30mins, I wouldn't stay in even if the ban was an hour. It's much easier to take an hour rest going farming than shouting at my poor laptop because those useless "players" have no idea what are they doing. :cool:
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  7. Master0fpuppets

    Master0fpuppets Forum Baron

    I voted "no" couse I do get kicked out of game it's not nebula just some anoying glitch
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  8. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi moby31,

    Your thread isn't unpopular, over 50 ppl saw it, its just not very appealing.
    Also...around 70% of the members here only like to read, instead of discussing...which is a bit sad:(

    About your topic, although i have stopped playing PvP for one simple reason, its too unfair...the glyphs system has ruined any kind of fairness inside the arena and that is why so many ppl leave in the middle of the fight.

    Any P2P with 100 or 200 dollars/euros can build an invincible character at low lvl and reach fame lvl 40 before he reaches characters lvl 15.
    Having a lvl 5 toon with a weapon/shield at lvl 40 is stupid and unfair.

    So, my answer is no and in mine opinion the ban penalty should be removed.
  9. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    I know it's too much to ask for new rebuild version of Elo this has been discussed so many times before ....when i look back ... even when someone left the battle few sec after new player was on ,now it's like start full squad yuppie than players leave coz of unfair match or has been assaulted or error whatever ...
    and i ending up 3 v 5 lose ofc ,1v3 depends
    those days Elo is so ....different:cool:
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  10. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    I never really leave a battle. I don't think that many players leave it voluntarily, either. Most of them get disconnected, including myself on occasions.

    I understand your frustration with being put at a disadvantage, but try to see through the disconnected person's eyes. It is probably a lot worse for them, getting disconnected and never being able to finish a battle, and atop of all of that they have been banned for 15 mins. Now you want to increase that to 30 mins? I don't understand what that would fix. It would just be that much worse for the unfortunate players with bad connection.

    Also, the reason a fight remains a 3v5 is because no one else is signing up or deemed worthy to fight in that battle by the ELO system. If people are banned for 30 mins, who will be there to sign up for a battle so it could start? Then, everyone, even if they weren't banned, has to wait 30 mins or however long it takes to get enough players signed up for a battle. Your 'solution' helps no one.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    First off Bearer of Death, the twink situation should start improving now that they can't avoid leveling... It will still be unfair if they spend the money early on, but they will level the same as all the rest.

    On the topic of the increased length of time for the ban... no. I duel a lot because that is only time it is even remotely a fair fight for me. I regularly beat AKotOs as a Novice Cent, but when I go up against a LVL 40 fame PvPer with some serious cash or one of the top 100 I don't stand a chance. So instead of wasteing my time and giving them free honor, I take 15 min of farming and hope they aren't there when I get back. So until PvP is fixed to a point where it is actually fair, my answer remains "No."
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  12. spiro_spula

    spiro_spula Forum Connoisseur

    You can disconnect in a few ways which the game will not be able to discern from a non-voluntary disconnect. Like closing DSO window/browser, killing DSO process, pulling the net cord, killing the router... All the server knows is that it cannot reach you any more and you did not log out.
  13. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    I understand your point of view and i partly agree ,personally i know 5 players who would leave the battle if they losing in first min of battle
    reason is simple they don't fight for points (high ranks) they fight for victory, number of defeated players
    so if u get match against field marshal this is what is count the most number of players on your board .
    I understand that some ,including myself ,have problems with disconnection errors etc
    This is really annoying and personally i think this trend will continue but the problem is not big enough to react yet
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2014
  14. daywaker2

    daywaker2 Forum Demigod

    i think 20min should be the maximal time of Arena Matches. Then the Player with more Points should win)
  15. buhurrr

    buhurrr Someday Author

    They should make a 24/7 arena where anyone within your level gap can enter and you gain honor points instantly for actions done inside. e.g. Deal a 5k hit, and receive 50honor points, freeze/stun someone and get 20points etc, capture a flag and get 300points. Then they make multiple arenas for non-stop pvp action lol no penalties, just enter and leave when u want :) ofc cap each arena at say 10 people. Could be interesting alternative to now

    and no pre-made groups allowed
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