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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. GodChronos

    GodChronos Forum Expert

    WAIT A MINUTE, what cheats? Mind telling me? For research purposes off course.
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 16, 2016
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Annoyed. I just got back into pvp and now I'm going to have to fight these people in pvp.....

    Did anybody complain to support?
    tothmartin and KanKomar like this.
  3. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    This, I want an answer to this, now, I'm not busting my ass and time on the event to have a roll back because a bunch of people lack the most basic common sense on what's violating the rules of the game very badly, if you're going to do nothing, tell us now that there's time left, and might as well spread the info yourselves, for everyone to use so that it's fair, don't you think dear BP?, the sensible thing to do here is the same you did with the people that opened the golden present on KH multiple times back in the Christmas event, no effing mercy, but I want an official answer ASAP, thanks.
    tothmartin, KanKomar, Zed and 3 others like this.
  4. BurdushSM

    BurdushSM Forum Apprentice

    To celebrate the Five-Year of DSO, we got poor event in a pathetic attempt to create a festive atmosphere. But to make matters even better, we have received a bug on pinata with gems which massively used by many players. I doubt that BP ban the 50-60% of the players on the server, and we who play fair and who are spending real money, for us definitely worth this words in notice from BP; "Do you feel like donkey". Well, do ya, punk?
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    tothmartin and KanKomar like this.
  5. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    So, after reading the OA about the cheaters, this is what I took away from it from the lack of comment regarding consequences.

    Basically, they are stopping the cheat first, but they must not know if they will be able to track all these cheaters. So, we don't know if those of us who played honestly are going to end up "punished" for playing fair. The thought that these people might just get away with it is disgusting.
    EhtovK and Zed like this.
  6. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Well, I narc'd to support before the mod posts. They are aware of it but have not made any decisions yet.

    Hopefully we will go GoT and put some traitors virtual heads on virtual pikes, but I doubt it.

    I doubt anything will be done.... grumble.

    If nothing can be done, they should consider a rollback.

    Or possibly some kind of gem depreciation strategy in order to mitigate the benefit from cheating. In other words, eliminate flawed and splintered gems, add two more super gem categories above royal and shift the pricing so that new simple gem price = old flawed price, new gem price = old splintered price, etc.
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2016
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  7. tothmartin

    tothmartin Someday Author

    Dear Haruki,
    Me and my lot of honorable friends who did not use bug started to record players who using bug. We have a very long list. We are also willing to publish these on international forums if not all of them gets ban. It does not make any sence to play this game and pay for it if bugusers get 100% best equipment and/or gems while we payed 1-6k euros for gems in the full lifecycle and the cheaters beat us easily. These like 100 players will stop playing and we will publish the videos about the cheaters. This game
    can end up with this as no honorable players want to stay here if there will be no ban action. Sorry to say that.
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2016
    Lazycrazy, Zed and Armando like this.
  8. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    I'm also hoping that we go full GoT and behead the scum, but I'm also having my doubts about their capability of doing said thing, so, for the devs, if you can't track and punish them properly, rollback the servers, I couldn't care less about the junk I got so far in the so called grand "5th anniversary event", hell, I don't even care about wasted days of premium, just freaking DO SOMETHING.
  9. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    Eyy man if they gonna rollback the servers in gonna lose like 15k andermath i got some pretty good stuff with that andermath .
    ( call me sellfish)
  10. thegreatpretender

    thegreatpretender Forum Greenhorn

    "if you can't track and punish them properly"?

    Of course they can, if they want.

    BP just needs to check the login-logout history for each player.

    No normal player login-logout about 20 times a minute.
  11. EhtovK

    EhtovK Old Hand

    I really wish things were that simple, but I'm sorry to break your bubble, even if I'm not a programmer nor an expert, I have the basic knowledge to tell you that's not a viable, nor an efficient way for detecting the cheaters, and it presents a lot of loop holes.

    First, it's not a fact, it's just a possibility, second, if the worst case scenario came to be (no punishment), and you still rather keep 15k andermant in whatever rewards, even if it means hundreds of players getting and keeping fully Royal gems for free through an exploit, even if the side effects are gonna hit you later, then yes, you're incredibly selfish.
    trakilaki and Armando like this.
  12. thuglifederp

    thuglifederp Active Author

    well heres my thing a couple of players found a bug they abused it , the admins now lets say they will roll back the servers , too many players will get punished and those who used the bug wont care cuz they just used a bug they didnt grind or worked for it while others who used the last days to farm will be nothing.
    Anywyas my comment there was a joke bcz ive been a gamer a long time and roll backs dont solve anything, it will just cause more problems.
  13. edrogers58

    edrogers58 Regular

    besides the bug cheats that should be banned
    is this hotfix going to fix the copper screen lag between maps and lag between PVP matches at all ?
    If not your game is becoming seriously a waste of time imo
  14. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    The best part is ... if you head to Kingshill you will see them still exploiting! XD XD
    I wonder how stupid one should be to do that even after all those warnings .
    Seriously ... BP should implement an IQ test upon creating account.
    BlackHat, tothmartin, Beldak and 4 others like this.
  15. tassadar1977

    tassadar1977 Forum Expert

    it would be pretty simple for a competent developer to write a quick query against the Db to see who abused the bug. having never seen the db tables I bet I could still do so in less than 30mins once I worked out where items etc are held. there is no point in saying otherwise. If BP do not find them and ban them, then it will once and for all show the true level of competence and will make the decision on whether to bother playing anymore or not easy.
  16. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    What will happen with those who deliberately exploited the pinata bug? Many of us spent a lof of money and invested a lot of time to get the gems and items that others got in a few hours by exploiting that bug. Not taking any actions against them will be unfair on many levels.

    Hoping you will do the right thing and ban them or at least remove the stuff that they got with that bug.
  17. LooneyTed

    LooneyTed Someday Author

    Hello, all...

    I don't know exactly what is contained in DSO's event logs, but it stands to reason that player log-on & log-off times are in a table somewhere. Players logging in and out several times a minute should be a pattern easily detectable by admin. The bot cheaters were likely found through the event logs; this should be just as easy. I am happy, though, that the developers found and fixed this exploit as quickly as they did. Kudos.

    I'd like to see the cheaters' accounts deleted. That would be the only fair solution. Unless, of course, if Bigpoint would gift me a couple of dozen sacred gems. Free, naturally. That would square things with me. :D


    ... LooneyTed

    Be kind.
  18. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    So even those caught on videos will not be punished?.. thats insane. Got back to the game after 7 month break to end up with this. Bravo, dso.
  19. Opalsion

    Opalsion Junior Expert

    "As you may know, the patch of August 16 has solved one exploit that was currently happening with our Anniversary event. Some members of the community have been asking about future steps to be taken in this case and we are very sorry to announce that there won’t any."

    Are you guys normal? After all the videos that have been sent to support that actually show clear bug using and the huge outcome from jester stones there won't be taken any actions? So basically all the endless hours of farming, all these andermants spent for gems and lottery are for nothing to the players who chose not to exploit the bug. You don't really realise what happened, some players are out of reach right now with full Tier3 jester gems!!! How can a normal player even compete with them in arena? I've been playing the game for 4 years, this lack of interest to the fair players makes me extremely disappointed I feel like this is a big joke. Haruki I would like a sincere reply.
    I want to say few more things but I don't know for how much longer I can keep myself polite.
  20. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Perhaps someone told them yesterday, that it would be impossible, and they started again after a break
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