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Discussion in 'Headquarters Archive' started by CM Greg, Jul 14, 2015.

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  1. kama5utra

    kama5utra Someday Author

    i think 85 crit on a lvl 50 item is more than enough... why do you people want crit.Jason is alright they are listening ok... i dont know if they ar doing something of it but anyway. I had actually only one question to the developers: Since you had so much time for balancing the OP dks why are you now saying they are kind of UP against other classes.

    Hint: maybe you didnt even consider what you are doing but just throwing and testing things. I would suggest better first thinking and then implementing those genius ideas.
    fuzball15 likes this.
  2. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    DSO wounded and crippled all the end-gamers.
    The changes in gear and skills forced changes in play style for me. I enjoyed mixing it up with an aggressive SW. Now I can survive as long-distance artillery.
    It will take months to rebuild a toon I enjoy. I doubt the wait will be worth it. They have made token changes, buy are obviously still holding back.
    Sure hope the next release is a game changer! Yes?
    Yogo likes this.
  3. -HARRA81-

    -HARRA81- Forum Mogul

    I know it's a bit early but are you planning to raise the level cap further more with the content expansion in 2016 ?
  4. Maxman67

    Maxman67 Forum Apprentice

    I have a question than the Spanish mod can't respond.

    When gona Gnob show up whit new offecers? 5 mont's have passed.. men
  5. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    I understand @CM Haruki that you are trying to assure us that the developers are listening and are working on things, but whats the point of a twitch session interview where they only repeat the same old thing you have been saying since doomsday august 26? Why not give more specific answers to the posts in here and facebook? I was eagerly awaiting to watch the session after returning from office, and I found it to be a 25 minute waste of time where I only saw either how clueless the developers currently are on what is wrong with what they have implemented or being perfectly aware of what they have implemented and having no plan to rectify it, giving excuses to show us they are working and then find that everything is ok thus no need to rectify. "Poor, Noble DragonKnights" Really? I understand game development is an art of finding the middle part between data and community feedback, but why not give us a more concrete idea of what the data shows and a couple of lines on what sort of middle path the team is working on? In one sentence they say that "we didn't intentionally nerf(yes thats the word, don't have to put 2 fingers up when saying it) Dragon knights" and in another sentence, "it might be fun to be overpowered against an opponent but it's only fun for 1 side of the equation" and who were these people who were enjoying on one side of the equation? who was Jason talking about? Please enlighten.

    Order from top: "The money from Dragonknights is decreasing, we have to find some way for them to spend their endless money again, ofcourse so that we can spend that money to make other games, DSO is our biggest cash cow"

    Rel 156will be my last chance for DSO. We should atleast have an idea of whether you are really trying anything after seeing that release
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2015
    Yogo likes this.
  6. fuzball15

    fuzball15 Someday Author

    well hello just finshed a 5 vs 5 match now was getting hit 10-15k hits from ranger and im a dk, so jason you tested all this stuff before you let 155 go live right, well how on gods green earth did you let this happen im very upset over all this i think you have no clue what you or you team is doing. why yesterday did you not have a plan to show us on what you going to do for a fix on the dk. we can all say i promise we going to do something but i doint belive you, i was 1 of the strongest in the guild now i doint get a group because im flat on my back dead all the time shame on you and you team for what i have to now put up with.
    Yogo likes this.
  7. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    @CM Greg
    Hey bud i have the most important question so far on here since i seen some of your PAST twitch videos not the recent ones cause i gave up and it seemed you out of all the BP staff actually cared about the players. So here goes nothing i wanna know are you really here to listen to us and help us and take our advice/opinions or are you going to throw them out like the rest of the staff? cause i can and the dso player base can gurentee the game isnt going anywhere up the ranks.
    Shiladitya likes this.
  8. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    That was the whole plan wasnt it? just buy more onyx, it wasnt enuf buying sacred/royal saphire,rubies, now trash ur royal rubies to include royal onyx. no issues with that, tell em to increase the available points of knowledge from 50 to 60 to increase speed/damage.

    Hod has become INCREDIBLY boring for me to farm with just the sheer amnt of time it needs to get 5 good drops now. PLEASE just give consistent drops of Eo/legend in other maps too so that atleast we can have some variety. giving 250-400 crit on adornments/amulets/belt will help too. please?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  9. shovan

    shovan Forum Apprentice

    @CM Greg
    Hallo i have 1 questiones for you

    Why only archers have at lvl 50 both armor break and mark precise shot which is like a buff simillier to singularity? Is it fair to other Char? if they have the armor Break why dont the game designers don't take away the precise shot effect cause they dont have low deffence and hp like mages.Rangers are the current powerhold at the moment its not Balanced at all-
    The dragonache set only gives fire resistance and many people has it there isnt any set which is poison resistence or any other resistance so in a way the players playes with mages have disadvantage.
    Thanks in advance .
  10. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Don't class hate, especially when you only point out partial information. You're saying that since RA has two different skills that when combined last less than half as long and slow less than half as much as your one skill, they should take one away from RA because our defense is better? Really? And there is no set or items that increases resistance to poison or any other resistances. Really? Are you sure?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  11. lewcar

    lewcar Padavan

    Please don't spray your parochial tripe here. It's hard enough as it is to filter the quality feedback.
    bendover and _Baragain_ like this.
  12. jayr3d

    jayr3d Regular

    correction "5 good drops" you mean gop cause the drops are not even worth keeping
  13. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    by the way, people who wrote the skill descriptions. Why do you say precision shot is physical dmg? It's actually possible to be 75% physical dmg and 25% fire dmg (or poison?)... but it's definitely 1/4 some kind of resistance dmg. Why don't you write that in the description since it's definitely not fully physical. Also fireball I think is 50% fire and 50% physical (or 75% fire and 25% physical, I'm not sure)... but it's definitely not 100% fire... so why don't you write that on the description? Why do you lie?

    Maybe some players don't understand all of these things and maybe you want to keep the descriptions simple. Then maybe you should use a button "show more", that when clicked, would describe everything in detail. Or have a special page with everything explained.

    You don't explain speed breakpoints, you don't tell us anything about anything. It's like a pharma company sells people pills but they don't tell them what they do. "Just take the pills and experiment with them and see what they do, but we're to lazy to tell you ourselves" pffff.

    So many people play like idiots with stupid speeds without even knowing that they need to reach speed breakpoints so that the speed can actually change.
    So they'll have 1.99 and won't know that it's actually equivalent to 1.91 and that they should go to 2.01 for the next breakpoint (for green arrow / magic missile), or 2.11 for deadly blow / precision / fireball.

    And now that people can reach speeds of over 4, why don't you give us some information on the breakpoints above 3? We have to waste hours to test ourselves again? It's so hard for you to give us that information?
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
  14. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    Could you provide so info maybe. I, being a mage, see my skills as fire damage when I test and when I pvp it seems to me 100% fire damage. Magic Missile seems to me as 100% physical damage. Now Rangers am clueless.
  15. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I did some testing in the past and it seems that all fire damage is 50% effected by resistance and 50% is effected by armor. On the other hand, lightening is only effected by resistance. I don't feel like going looking for the post, but it is true. However, this is the first time that I've ever heard about PS being anything other than physical. I'd have to test it more to figure it out.
  16. bendover

    bendover Junior Expert

    I know for sure PS is not 100% physical because: bird is 312% physical dmg (or something like that) and PS is 300% "physical dmg" (or that's what bugpoint noobs lie to us). When I hit a tank with huge armour and only 30-40% resistance, with bird of prey and then PS, I do only half the damage with bird of prey than with PS, even though they should do the same dmg. But when I hit PS on someone who has resistance and armour almost the same, I can see that my bird of pray and PS dmg are also almost the same. I can see this for mobs too. Bird of pray does almost the same dmg as PS, against mobs, because most mobs have about the same armour as fire resistance. (or close to that). Also bugpoints can change anything they want without telling us, so they may change this tomorrow and my previous statements may not be true anymore. But you guys can test and see for yourselves if what I said is still true.

    Also I heard that mobs have all armour and resistance stats to 50%... but I've also heard that mages hit with lightning damage more because mobs have less than 50% lightning resistance. I've seen this difference myself when doing sigris and HOD: a friend mage had much less dmg than me but hit with lightning strike about the same as me with precision, even though we both had about the same crit dmg. That's one of the reasons why mages with 3k gold weapons hit so much.
    But this doesn't mean that the new mobs will have the same resistance and armour percentages.

    Also regarding fireball. I also think it's close to 50% armour and 50% resistance and not 100% resistance. Because when I have low armour I get hit huge dmg with fireballs, but when I have 5300 armour and the same resistance, I get hit much less dmg with fireballs. If the fireball would have been 100% resistance, it would have been much much stronger, effective and easier to use than the precision. I mentally laugh at the people who buff up their char with a lot of armour when preparing to fight against a ranger, because bugpoint didn't tell them the truth that rangers do a lot of resistance damage too :))

    This is what I hate about them... why don't they tell us all these details? When we want to find out something we have to make a big thread with 100 people testing and arguing and solving math problems and arguing again. Isn't it much simpler to just give us the information?

    The same could be true for our new explosive shot. The fact that bugpoint writes "physical damage" means nothing, because they lie all the time when writing skill descriptions. It could be a part physical and a part fire dmg or something like that.
    Now why don't we get a page where we could all see these details? And when they change something, also update that page.

    And I wonder who does the lying... because that Jason dude seems like a nice and sincere guy who's trying to do the best he can. Or maybe appearances can be deceiving and I'm naive. Also Greg and Haruki seem the same. I like them both. Greg seems like a straight forward guy and Haruki like a girl who is working really hard to do her job in the best way possible. I don't know if they have any fault in this last release that ruined many things. I think that the dorky guy with glasses who owns bugpoint and speaks in a superior tone may be to blame. I think he knows so many are not satisfied with how things are going but he doesn't give a *#@$ and he's just forcing the devs to nerf this and nerf that so he can get people to buy more. I don't know if this is actually true, but it's possible.
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2015
    ULTRAPEINLICH likes this.
  17. Shiladitya

    Shiladitya Padavan

    I dunno abt testing but I have found my build to be more survivable with more resist against rangers with balance of high resistance and armour than with just high armour, and this is against rangers who just spam hunting arrow and precision. i "feel" resistance affects a build in more ways than we can guess and not just against SW. If its intended or a bug I am not sure. I also feel that either armour reduction is broken or they have tweaked the way damage is dealt now, by increasing the elemental damage component in most attacks. There are some numbers which I have heard from more experienced players than me like 75%-25% which I am quite sure has some strain of truth in them.
    bendover likes this.
  18. shovan

    shovan Forum Apprentice

    @BigPapa and @lewcar

    The topic says asks CMS in English and one certainly expects one of the CMs read my thought(certainly dont want replay from players). As a player i have the right to share my opinion and as it is i am going only against one class i certainly was not thinking no one will be going against my post( especially Rangers ) . I am not spamming here i only expressed my opinion in 1 msg. not like 10-20( they are the spammers who write off topic things ) . Nobody like to get 1 shoted in pvp when u have 7k hp and 3k armor and the enemy wearing block based equipment not even 2h mages with huge dmg 1 shots me . The frustration comes from there hours and hours farming and after that. I will not post here again . Its my personal opinion nobody is bound to agree with it . i hope to enjoy the game where i think every thing should be equal for everyone.
    Yogo likes this.
  19. tonytoon

    tonytoon Forum Greenhorn

    I actually gave this twich a go and couldn't believe some of the things I saw. That Jason mumbling all the time about data, math and statistic when in action based games those things will never give you the full picture and are subjective to interpretation always based on personal experience and knowledge of the game's mechanics. Then he said he's been in the team for a year or something and it all made sense why the game is complete and utter disaster right now. The game peaked in 2012 and since then it's been carrying its inertia but it's about to hit a dead end.

    R89's solution was the level cap expansion and new skills, the game mechanics weren't changed. R155's issues are of insoluble character long-term because to balance the classes right now is going to require another massive overhaul of the game mechanics and class skills which won't happen anytime soon and it's gonna drive people out of the game.

    People are leaving the game and if you want I will provide proof by giving you names and actual videos of some of the top spenders on Heredur quitting, and people are planning to leave which you are going to notice very soon trust me.

    BugPoint and DSO in this case mainly don't have a loyal customer base because their work is never customer feedback orientated. Nobody in the game has a nice thing to say about you, and the money you get off DSO is solely down to the fact the game was a brilliant mmo prior to Aug 2015.

    Jason give your head a wobble because you've no idea what you're doing fella
    Yogo likes this.
  20. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    I don't know how it was before, but I have tested this with a friend after R155 and fire damage is only affected by your resistance. Armor has 0% impact on reducing fire damage.
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