Astral Phenomenon not working? bug report

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Kephlar, Jun 23, 2014.

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  1. Kephlar

    Kephlar Forum Greenhorn

    • player name: Kephlar, level 45 spellweaver, agathon server
    • tested in many places
    • release 128_5
    • using thin client
    • latest java
    • Fullscreen and windowed
    I recently hit level 45 and selected Astral Phenomenon as skill upgrade. tried it while playing and it did work, went back to low level area and tested in for 10 minutes and it did not show any sign.
  2. -Faeriequeen22-

    -Faeriequeen22- Forum Mogul

    Ola ^^
    Are you sure you're doing it right? Having enough mana, selecting monster to mind control, doing it fast enough? It may sound silly, but some people failed at those things and complained about it not working.. Also, could simply be lag.
    It's working fine to me.
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