attack gems n Xmas shield = bug ?? -> fixed ??

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by perrush, Dec 26, 2013.

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  1. perrush

    perrush Active Author

    You can put attack gems into the legendary cookie shield which the event gives. On the German forum they said this is a bug and will be fixed !!

    Is this true ? I was just farming for a good shield because of those gems which can be put in. If it is a bug an will be fixed I (actually we) would like to know this asap.
  2. Talicni

    Talicni Forum Connoisseur

    I thought the whole point of it being "unique" (not as game unique but as one of a kind) was for it able to carry off gems I don't think that is a bug.
  3. papabeaw

    papabeaw Forum Greenhorn

    I think it's a bug, it will give those who doesn't have the shield/orb etc a big disadvantage in pvp.

    Admin should confirm......
  4. Kampfgeist18

    Kampfgeist18 Forum Master

    Yes, on the German forum they say this is a bug. An admin said, this is a known bug and will be fixed in the next time.

    This is also a legendary Shield, but it show as a quiver.

    Red and Blue Stones can input in your Weapon or Arrow, not in Shields :)


    Theres a Bug,

    the Shield have:

    540 Armor
    516 Block
    516 Block

    But the Shield dont show the Stats.

    Sorry for my bad english, i hope you can understand what i mean :)
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