Augment Cores

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Darkmae, Mar 3, 2018.

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  1. Darkmae

    Darkmae Forum Apprentice

    hi..i have a problem and i need help...i try to craft a weapon from tier 4 to tier 5 with a legendary tier 5 and the cores that i need..300 augment 300 dark.herlad weapon .its ok and correct but when i press combine i have a notice tha says u cant make nothing with this....and i cant make the craft..if anyone knows why..i try with gloves .the same think..i have gold and antermants for the price..but nothing.
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    is it equipped? are there gems and runes in it? does it have glyphs?

    I think the answer to each of these questions must be no in order to do any type of crafting with the weapon. so put it in your inventory, take all of your runes and gems out, and removes all the glyphs.
  3. Darkmae

    Darkmae Forum Apprentice

    No.i know the gems no runes lvl glyphs..the same from tier 5 to tier 6..its all correct but i cant combine.
  4. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    make a screenshot that will help us understand, just words are not enough in such cases
  5. Fugnuts

    Fugnuts Forum Master

    How much gold do u have? You must have enough gold for the craft and revert...Try it again with 150+ gold and see if it works.
  6. Darkmae

    Darkmae Forum Apprentice

    i have 50 golds.not so much..39 need it.i will try it tomorrow.there is no revert in this craft i think..its with augment cores.
  7. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    What about the recipe?

    And yes... A screen shot would be very helpful.
  8. bLaind

    bLaind Forum Baron

    I think the magic number here is 350.
  9. thouvou000

    thouvou000 Forum Expert

    no, it needs 300 augment cores. the problem here is that we dont have a screenshot. once he gives us one, the problem will be solved instantly, i assure you
  10. Darkmae

    Darkmae Forum Apprentice

    i finally done it..with the same thinks like i said.yesterday it does not i try it again.with only 40 golds and its give me tier 6 herald weapon..i write tier 4 to 5..i was wrong its tier 5 to 6..

    here it is a screenshot with the message form yesteday tha u cant take anythink from this..i carft with antermants..i dont have gold..
    today i craft with gold and its ok

    tier6 weapon..i notice that the legendary slot say tier 7...infernal IIII it coming..
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