Suggestion Auto pickup and Sell All button

Discussion in 'Creative Corner' started by nvmind, Jan 12, 2020.

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  1. nvmind

    nvmind Forum Inhabitant

    Just to save a few thousand clicks per day:

    * Auto pickup everything should be an option we can enable in the settings.

    * Every inventory window should have a "Sell All" button.
    KARL31, srl54df, BKGREG and 1 other person like this.
  2. Veteran666

    Veteran666 Advanced

    This is an old idea.I suggest to do a forum posts search before creating a new thread.
    DreamWill likes this.
  3. mitaksoula

    mitaksoula Forum Greenhorn

    It would be much better if you could lock some items and the unlocked would auto sell .. also for the melting process is so slow it could be a good idea to also lock some items and the others should melt
    Athiae and aBDuLHaMiTHaN like this.
  4. Gligana

    Gligana Someday Author

    Identify all button?
    Athiae and BKGREG like this.
  5. Kel657

    Kel657 Forum Apprentice

    This will never get implemented it would mean less time in game
    Guess we have to be thankful that there is no capcha when trying to identify the item
  6. minecrafteur60

    minecrafteur60 Forum Greenhorn

    Remember the time when you needed to use crystals of truth to indentify items:rolleyes:
  7. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    Just a comment on sell all button. How many times have you sold something by mistake and had to buy it back? I can just imagine the confusion and complaints looking for that 1 item after selling an entire page especially if you notice something missing 15 minutes after selling.
  8. Athiae

    Athiae Active Author

    I don't think it is a bad idea. And it definitely won't lead less time in the game. Instead it would mean more quality time in the game, and less mouse change :D

    Be honest, how many times did you wait for coplayers, because "I sell" - they said.
    And the totally unnecessary item identify just time wasting. Let them drop identified! And there will be nothing to talk about.

    I absolutely SUPPORT this suggestion!
  9. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Dropping identified would really Hover all over the place. As soon as I'm picking up past my 4th page I would have to analyze everything on the page trying to find the new items and it would take way longer than selling/buying back/identifiying/analyzing/melting already takes.

    Another reason why we need locker expansion... so while your reading this, how about hopping over to "Time has come for a Locker Expansion" and vote "Yes". ;)
  10. vampiro

    vampiro Advanced

    Or just make all items drop already identified. They already implemented this change when opening cubes etc.
    Athiae likes this.
  11. Athiae

    Athiae Active Author

    Done already ;)
  12. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    The catch there is that you can control when and how many cubes you open and the stack from one run only takes one space.

    Long maps like PW Sigrismar and PW Ocean of Bones and PW Medusa nearly or over fill my inventory by completion. So if all pickups were already identified, then I'd have problems picking the new stuff out of my sorted crafting stuff. There is a serious advantage to having them un-identified when picking up mass amounts of items in a group rush. Or in a Solo PW Leaderboard timed rush for time bonus.
  13. Athiae

    Athiae Active Author

    I understand, your standpoint, however it is not so big deal to sort the crafting stuff to the first or last page of inventory - like many of us do. Like that they would almost never mixed with newly picked up items. Don't you think so?
    In addition, when in solo timed rush, or group rush without tha additional "identifier-click" you would save some time too during the time you sort or sell your newly picked up items. Not to mention the "sell all - from actual inventory page" button.

    Anyway, the problem you mentioned would be also solved, if the newly picked up items would get the sign of "new" in some way.

    So I think the"sell all - from actual inventory page" button should necessarily come with the "new" sign on the items' icons in the inventory.
    DreamWill likes this.
  14. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Nope. Don't think so. My first 4 pages are for pickups. However, in the last event was filling holes in 5th-8th page and even into my Premium page used for "Leg/Uniques for melting storage" (because I'm on a temporary premium). Once those holes were filled with already identified items (strange how some items were pre-identified), they had to wait until we were done with our runs (which meant premium page got to quicker) and I had time to look at all the items determining which ones were new and which were not.

    And we already have that... called "unidentified'. ;) And they stick out like a sore thumb in the pages that they fill my "holes" reserved for specific items I'm looking for.

    So when I have my inventory full, I quickly identify pages 1-4. Sell (or if I have a smelter, melt) and then sell a unique and then sell all the new stuff out of pages 5-9, then buy back to my unique (thus moving the stuff to the first 3 pages), put my unique back, and then process all the additional items that weren't one pages 1-4 in the beginning.

    With an expanded locker, I could put at least 1 full page over there, possibly 2 full pages. Things would be much better with 5-6 pages for pickups. :)
  15. Athiae

    Athiae Active Author

    Locker/or inventory expansion: definitely yes.
    identifying items: too many clicks is a waste of time, and mouse

    It is a "must" to have a quicker way of examine and sort out items we need or do not need.

    Anything they'll come up with (or they won't) we have to get to use to. So it doesn't matter wether we agree or not :)
    TwiliShadow likes this.