B.P. has bad math

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Su5ieQ, Mar 8, 2014.

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  1. Su5ieQ

    Su5ieQ Forum Apprentice

    So in my inventory sits 105 stones for the rebuild quest. Went to see the Imp and got my badges of honer for the price of 105 stones. The quest clearly calls for 100 stones. German math must be different than American math.. Oh nevermind I figured it out, Barbie must work for Big Point.
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  2. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Hi Su5ieQ, stones will continue to drop from defeated monsters if you have not, yet, collected 100 stones.

    For example, if you have 95 stones in your inventory, and then defeat a large hoard of monsters, you may find 10 total dropped stones. You can pick up all 10, but any additional items past the required amount will not serve any purpose.

    Once you have 100 quest items in your inventory, the quest will be complete and stones will no longer drop. Because the drops are related directly to the quest, all quest items will be turned in once you return to the quest keeper.
  3. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    All quests that includes fragments drop pick up are working this way.
    This quest has a counter upon picking the drop and putting it into your inventory.
    If you don't pick up the stones they can drop infinitely, but quest is finishing the moment you are picking up the last stone. Since stones can not be sold or thrown from your inventory, imagine situation when quest is leaving surplus of stones into your inventory. What will happen? Your inventory will become landfill. You can not sell surplus nor retaking quest is counting them. That is why the quest is taking all of them from your inventory.

    As far as I know math is same everywhere ... but different kind of people interpret it differently. :D
    BTW did you know that Barbie is actually a German doll called Bild Lilli ? Which was stolen and reworked by Mattel. :)
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
  4. Su5ieQ

    Su5ieQ Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for the Info, good thing it doesn't work that way with the Medal of Honer quest.
  5. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

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