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Discussion in 'Event Announcements' started by Kuala-kiska, Jun 8, 2016.

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  1. Kuala-kiska

    Kuala-kiska Forum Greenhorn

    Hi everyone,
    I stopped playing this game in Aug, 2014 due to my studies and work. Now I am much more settled in life so I can start playing it again.
    Currently I have a lvl45 spellweaver in tegan server. It feels like a different game now (in a good way). I played all those low lvl quests till now.. Uniques not so unique anymore ( got 6 in just 3 hours of play)
    Anyway can anyone guide me through some major changes in this game as I don't have time to read all those patch notes?
  2. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Well, gear id is now free.
    We have slots for ess and potions.
    We have 3 levels of each parallel world.
    We have a revamped wisdom/skill tree.
    We have a couple of new currencies.
    We have gambling.
    We have higher level gems.
    Quests are so much easier than they used to be.
    A little more grind in just about everything.
    For the most part we have the same old boring events.
    They did add some uniques for lower levels that drop constantly (nice move on their part).

    In the end it is just about the same as it was. Reach max level, grind the parallel worlds until an event happens, rinse and repeat.
    LudiGrozd likes this.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    We also have Crafting 2.0 (unless Rhysingstar includes that in gambling :p) that gives you a degree of control over the crafting process. I decided that you find and read those threads because it had been one of the most significant changes in a long time. It allows you to create amazingly powerful items if you have the right ingredient items, enough gold, and a good amount of luck.
    Rhysingstar likes this.