
Discussion in 'Event Questions' started by Nobs, Jul 22, 2018.

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  1. Nobs

    Nobs Forum Apprentice

    Hello everyone I was not as lucky to finish this event the Big Game Hunt mainly because of my work but when I got time to play I try to make the most out of , it was hard to find good teams of players of my lvls but what I have notice was how the Badges were dropping even with %per drop keep going up the amount of badges drop was not the same at first I though it was base on the team size then who got the kill but when I solo the amount that drop per run was up and down , one run I got like 1300 badges next run it drop to 900+ then back up then back down but the%bonus keep going up can one of the GM explain this to me plz cause I don't believe that is fair they are a few hours left in the event if anyone want to check it out i don't think many players had notice that
  2. BigHink

    BigHink Forum Inhabitant

    in painful there are 3 levels of drops you can get so there will be changes in amts on different runs. This is explained in Event notes.
    Nobs likes this.
  3. Nobs

    Nobs Forum Apprentice

    I see can you send me the link plz , thx :)