Suggestion Ban Chat, not Account

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Livempire, Oct 22, 2020.

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  1. Livempire

    Livempire Forum Greenhorn

    [​IMG] [​IMG] I was banned from the game. I recognize that I was insulting people because they started insulting me. But to ban me my account is too much. Darkorbit bans you from chat, DSO must do the same! What can I do if someone wants to fight in chat? I have to answer as well.

    I don´t use cheats. If someone has reported me for using cheats in PVP or PVE that´s false, I live in Peru and I have 200ms to more. I play like a ghost sometimes. I hope I was not banned because of that.

    There wasn´t any warning before I was banned, no any notification, nothing to my email. These days we all know that is not enough to say: check this, read it and play. No one reads a hole statements about the rules, DSO doesn´t gives you and warning alert.

    If you are mad cus I got 100 days of premium w/o paying anydollar, it´s bcs I play with 4 characters I spend a lot of time with my main charaters and the daily for the antoher 3 characters.

    I ask you as a suggestion to start warning people when blaming in chat or whatever. After some warnings you must start the ban. It says: " the Terms of use have been either strongly or repeadtely violated". Really? no notifications, nothing. You banned me in one.

    That´s it. I hope I can play DSO sooner. I think this was enough.
  2. Anyki

    Anyki User

    You show a screenshot that says to contact support if you have any issues. Beefing on the forums isn't contacting support. Please do so through the correct channels. Since we can't help you in any way on the forums, I'm closing this thread.

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