Banned Characters

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by mateandrei, Aug 28, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Would love to, but I haven't even heard of this one.
    Gryngol likes this.
  2. LooneyTed

    LooneyTed Someday Author


    I believe an exploit would be when a player knows of a bug and uses it for gain. Not knowing of a bug doesn't necessarily mean that player is cheating or exploiting something for a benefit. There must be some intent with knowlege beforehand.

    My five cents ($.02 adjusted for inflation).



    Be kind.
  3. dragonlordz

    dragonlordz Junior Expert

    I am unsure if someone has fully covered this, and it is the "choice" system of which bug is punished and which is not.

    What we can see is that 99% of the bugs in the game do not receive anything other than a tut tut dont do that from dso in forums. We can all agree that this pinata bug was one of the biggest bugs which some players could get huge gems which they would not have to pay for so we can see why players have been punished.
    Saying this there have been other bugs in dso which have given players a huge advantage also but have not been punished for such bug exploits.

    This is a problem which DSO nor the players could not have forseen which is a false trust in a flawed system, where players who have either used a bug in the past or seen others use bugs in the past have gotten away with an exploit so they will also. This does not mean i agree that bug use is by any means good, just pointing out a flaw in a system which may have given false confidence to some players.

    Lets take a look at the reasoning behind the punishments for the users of the bug. Initially DSO had the typically response of doing nothing which highlights the flaw in the system so clearly, however players who did not use the exploit spoke out in a huge quantity which forced DSO to make a move. So we can see where some players have found an issue with the bans and punishment for one bug when others have been left. Again I am not gonna take sides :p

    What I would ask, just for clarification to all players:

    What is the point that a player must reach in an exploit for DSO to perform an action against that player without the community having to force them to?
    (Please I beg, dont give the generic ToS answer give a serious thought through one please :p we already have seen that ToS doesnt get carried out 100%)

    What is the plan for any future bugs that give any advantage?
    (I do not say "unfair" as a bug is open thus anyone can gain advantage, where a bot is an "unfair" advantage as only those with the tool can use ;) )
    Gryngol likes this.
  4. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Old Ring of Life or Artaya's Ring of Life?
    Gryngol likes this.
  5. Mljax

    Mljax Forum Greenhorn

    Hello all, my opinion about bug consequences is next... This what BP had done is very wrong... I played this game 2 years, I farmed alot (maybe 10-12 hours per a day), and i spend maybe 60 euros for this game (not much ofc), and i used this bug maybe 2 hours at all... Now BP had delete all my gems from the past, it's about cca 6000 hours of playing for almost nothing... So I will ask you, can you give me back this 6000 hours of my life? Ofc you can't... But money is time, and time is money...

    With bug I had get,honestly,MAYBE 1x100 armor gem,1x100 hp gem,1x70 all res gem,1x5% speed,1x7dmg,1x75 crit hit.... Can you imagine how many gems I droped and buyed in this 6000 hours, and also I won jackpot of 50k andermants and buyed gems.... Owners of this game is ridiculous... What have you done is FAR from fairness and you know it... Is not just about me, let's think about players that played this game 4 years (lets say 10 000-12 000 hours of playing) and which spend about 2k+ euros on this GAME and buy gems for this money...and now you deleted all gems from our acc's and some players get perma ban (dont forget you created this bug)...

    How many bugs was there in the past, how many exploits and nobody get a ban... Funny, you want make an example of us, you behave like our time and money is worthless and like we are nothing and nobody... Don't forget that we are also people. Ah yes, actually for you we are only numbers in game servers...

    So lets be honest, REAL punishment for bug users is ONLY removing this gems what we get VIA THIS BUG... Let my voice and opinion be heard -> this is only reason why I speding again my precious time for this game (but no more, every second now for you and for this game is useless). I'm done with this game.

    Wish you all luck in real life!


  6. Yamaac_chocobo

    Yamaac_chocobo Junior Expert

    1. Dont say about fairness when you are a bug user.
    2. Bug is accidently created when programmer write the codes, you cant say they made the bug. Have you ever read the term? Using bug is not allowed.
    3. You wont use bug if you appreciate your money and time.
    4. You done with this game? bye bye !!
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  7. Nukromancer

    Nukromancer Forum Greenhorn

    Bug is not used only by those who did not know that bug exists....What about the people who have given 1000 in a game. What about the people who have played more than 3 years? They had no gem's before bug? I used the bag to get all emote, and I got the most. What now you need to delete all my gem's because i use bug for emote ?
    Mljax likes this.
  8. Beldak

    Beldak Regular

    Yes, that's the punishment for breaking the rules. In the end, you used the bug to get the emotes.
  9. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    Man you should have whispered me and ask me before using the exploit ... instead of following your guild leader blindly.
    I said to everyone I know and those who asked me about the exploit "don't do that even in you wild dreams" ... and now they are all clean and playing the game.
    In these kind of situations I ask my self : "do i feel lucky?"
    Luck ain't my friend ... so I tend to follow my common sense ... those gems are making them profit, those guys are making a living from them. I would do the same thing if someone is taking my living. In the end I am seeing this area is to hot and I am not putting my hands in the fire when I know in advance that it is a "no win" situation for me.
    That is not Khalys being level 1 when accessing her room or Mortis being weaker and can be killed fast ... those are unavoidable bugs. Should I stop playing the game until they fix Khalys' level or Mortis' strength ? no way man ... the game is there to be played and i am not stop playing because they created bug that can't be avoided. But those are rare and different situations and can't be compared with pinata and winter event chests bug.
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