beginning pvp

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by tomaja7791, Jan 31, 2014.

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  1. tomaja7791

    tomaja7791 Forum Apprentice

    Hi again,

    I'm new to the game and I have been playing SW for a few days now, pvp mostly, currently clvl 11 as I read somplace here that talents from red tree lvl 25 upwards also apply to pve.

    The problem is I'm not very good at pvp but slowly getting better and sometimes other players (I mostly play 3x3) get mad at me because of my not very nimble fingers and not so sharp reflexes - but hey, everybody was a newbee once.

    I do realize all the intricancies of team work and roles but sometimes things get so chaotic and quick that it is difficult to keep track of everything that is going on in the arena.

    My question is:
    - what would be the best option to pvp - 1x1, 3x3 or other options?
    - is there any special place for newbee pvp players?

    Or generally what would u suggest - just grind pvp untill my skills get better and simple ignore the spiteful remarks?

    edit: btw, how and where can i check my current pvp rank? other player in the arena have the rank displayed abi\ove their heads and I don't.

    Last edited: Jan 31, 2014
  2. Paladin

    Paladin Forum Apprentice


    firstly - drakensang PVP is not fair at all. You can have lvl 1 char with lvl40 equip if you pay enough.

    secondly - as for as skills you don't need very quick fingers. Use hotkeys 1-5 for example my ranger setup is

    1 .. Net
    2 .. Dive
    3.. Deadly Blow
    4 .. Bird of Prey
    5 .. Health potion
    6 , 7 unused

    and i use Hunting Arrow + Scatter shot, Precise only at stunned opponents.

    it quite easy to play 3vs3.
    Running forward,
    skill 4,
    Running back
    Hunting arrows + shift at long range and evading

    at close range 3 and Scatter shot and try to run away

    use 1 on staying opponents. My favourite combo is Hunting arrow +1 +4 + Precise

    and that's all.

    Ask anybody with the same class on similar level about items and build.
    You need good equip, because this game is 90% about equip and money and 10% about skills and player ability to react.

  3. tomaja7791

    tomaja7791 Forum Apprentice

    I thought as much about this p2p philosophy. I dont mind spending a few euros on a premium pack but this is as far as it goes.

    so i will only pvp untill i can unlock all the red tree skill and then i will thoroughly enjoy pve with my fireballs :)
  4. DarthShogun

    DarthShogun Forum Apprentice


    Well as you have realized PVP in Drakensang is highly unfair, though I know what's it like with the harsh comments - most people are insensitive, my advice would be to find your feet first - get to know your own strengths and weaknesses, in my case I totally suck at 1vs1 but during 3vs3 or storming the fortress i'm in my the previous poster stated - 90% gear and currency with 10% pure skill, that's how it works...but with enough experience you can take them down, most people who rely on gear have easy to spot flaws in their play style...find the right comrades and you're good to go ;)
  5. MorDerMe

    MorDerMe Forum Apprentice

    I am finding PvP truly unbalanced.

    1.) Recruits being faced-off against Centurions.
    2.) Certainly, if you BUY into the game, the better gear gives the player a great edge.
    3.) I have noticed that even some newer players, like Recruits, don't seem to take any damage even when 2 or 3 players are hitting them.
    4.) When teams are formed (randomly), one side typically has a ringer. That is, a Legion class player on one team, whereas the other team may be all Recruits. Not balanced and not fun.

    Just saying...
  6. tomaja7791

    tomaja7791 Forum Apprentice

    As a recruit (clvl 13 atm) I often get faced by centurions. And, as I posted already someplace on this forum, I started to chat once with a SW and he or she told me their stats at clvl 11 and rank of Legionare - health 650+, armor 200+, all res 160+, base dmg 100+. quite a lot when compared with my lvl 13 SW... .
  7. DarthShogun

    DarthShogun Forum Apprentice

    I'm currently a level 21 SW with a pvp status of Legionnaire...and those stats you have mentioned are higher than mine...I agree that pvp is unbalanced but like I have said before, you need to find the right comrades for the right event...or you go all out and purchase gear and's quite sad to see that the ''best'' players (majority of them) all dump a sh*tload of money into their characters without relying on any skills at all..though there are a few - very few who are actually truly skilled, and have been on a few MMORPG's before...
  8. MorDerMe

    MorDerMe Forum Apprentice

    You've got to be EDIT kidding. Just left a Death Match as it paired up Recruits against Knight of the Order and Legionnaires. Is the programming that "hard" to do to avoid that? If "you" want to encourage players joining (PvP) Death Matches and Battles and PvPing in general, then write some simple programming that creates a balanced game in the Death Matches.

    Again... another Death Match of Recruits versus Knights of Order. Not fun and not balanced. This cannot possibly encourage other players to try PvP events. If you want to nurture the Death Match PvP, have balanced matches until a certain PvP level. Who wants to go through battles earning 20 points at a time.
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 6, 2014
  9. tomaja7791

    tomaja7791 Forum Apprentice

    Just finished a few 3v3 matches and again got KotOs twice within half an hour.

    One KotO Ranger 1-shotted me and the ranger behind me with the green arrow :)))

    I earned 37 points this time :)))
  10. DarthShogun

    DarthShogun Forum Apprentice

    @ MorDerMe that would certainly make anyone want to leave a match...regarding your opinion on having balanced matches - there are numerous factors that you need to take into depends how you go into the pvp match, are you in a group or are you solo?? Going in with a group (which majority of kotos do) means you are with players who you know and have played with before - giving you the edge of knowing your teammates preferences or strengths and weaknesses (also things like XP gained)...are your opponents buffed to the max or not??? I hear most kotos are 90% shoppers with 10% skill...and that if you want to become a koto you need to fork out the cash to get the gear or a way your skills do come in i said, there's always tiny little flaws that you need to take advantage of because they don't rely on skill - most of the time...

    @ tomaja7791 your opponent was most probably buffed, only 37?? I'll be considering myself lucky because on average I get 162 points...
  11. MorDerMe

    MorDerMe Forum Apprentice

    Thanks, DarthShogun, but I don't buy the notion you cannot program balanced matches. If a group signs up, then a "random" team can be selected from those waiting that can be a better match for that group.

    Yes, I also understand that unless you buy into the game -- heavily fund your toon -- your chances are much less. I am sure that is the business end of it.

    On the other side of that, though, if players perceive -- by experience -- that the system is unfair, then why would "those" players consider buying into the game? Seems short-sided. I for one, would not give one dime to the game based on my experience.

    In a group of Recruit, Recruit, Ardent Recruit versus Seasoned Legionnaire, Legionnaire, Recruit. You tell me you cannot program the game for a more balanced match up?
    Last edited by moderator: Feb 8, 2014
  12. tomaja7791

    tomaja7791 Forum Apprentice

    The discrapancies between groups are sometimes enormous. But I have to learn to live with it or focus on pve exclusively. For the time being pvp is fun and it happened on a few occasions that I gained 400+ points :) But as my lvl and pvp rank increased I noticed the pvp has become even more unbalanced. But I will prevail and try to unlock fame 25 and 30 talents to give me the edge in pve. If it takes reasonable time to get there playing an average 1 hr a day I might even try to unlock lvl 35 and 40 talents but the way I see it in pvp arena this is not going to happen as more and more players are so heavily buffed that I don't even stand a chance against them.

    Maybe this issue will be addressed and fixed sometime as imho the pvp could really use some more match making balance but I am just a newbee... .
  13. MorDerMe

    MorDerMe Forum Apprentice

    Thanks for your comments, tomaja. Yes, a much slower road to advance as you say.
  14. DarthShogun

    DarthShogun Forum Apprentice

    @ MoDerMe i completely agree with your statement, but I believe the system focuses on getting players faster into the pvp instead of selecting worthy opponents...the quicker opponents are selected = the faster everyone gets a chance, it's logical - considering the amount of players who regarding your statement about the in game purchases - let's say it's mob mentality, and also to be revered by everyone around's a lot like how society works irl, imo. lol I only purchase HP potions and identification crystals, because the price of Anderment is ridiculous - due to the exchange rates obviously, otherwise my gear and everything else comes from enemy drops...

    @tomaja7791 indeed it's a gruelling and daunting task to advance...try finding a quest group to pve with so you can advance faster - but R118 has rectified a few bugs so you can only gain XP if your group members are deemed ''worthy''..
  15. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Seriously guys, stop whining about pvp being unfair. I think the pvp system is rather good. It keeps track of xp lvl, pvp lvl, even winrate (you could say personal skill) of a player.

    How good you are depends on 1. your own skill, 2. xp lvl compared to your opponents 3. pvp lvl 4. gear.
    1. If you lack skill, that s you falling short, simple as that.
    2. 5 xp lvl difference between highest and lowest. Not always easy but doable. If that range will be smaller we ll be waiting forever. If you re lvl 10, sometimes you play agains lvl 5, easy win, and sometimes against lvl 15. We've all been in that spot.
    3. If someone decides to pvp only, he gets a high pvp rank at low lvl. Don't underestimate, it s hard work and not always easy to have good gear. So if you barely ever pvp, it s your own fault you have a low pvp lvl. A player that pvp s a lot and becomes centurion at lvl 20 deserves to be able to easy kill other lvl 20 recruits.
    4. If you pay for gear with actual money, your reward is that almost nobody can touch you. If you want to be as good as a p2p, pay yourself as well. Otherwise, shut up and accept the fact that some people pay to win. You can't always be the best. 1 hitting everyone is your reward for paying to BP. Fair enough to me (I'm f2p btw, only premium once in a while). If you want the same, pay as well.
    Other players are just very patient, do daily quest for purple gear, combine for legendary and have full legendary set by the time they are lvl 12. I you dont go through the trouble of that to equip yourself well, you dont deserve to be good in pvp either.

    One more thing, I have a lvl 14 seasoned legionnaire, all f2p. If i win a lot, my opponents start to become higher lvl ones. So if i win too much, i end up fighting in teams and against teams with lvl 19 centurions. Because i have a win rate, then i loosing some matches and I get lower opponents again. I think that s a rather good system.

    So in short, if you want to be good in pvp, you need to go through some (or a lot) of trouble. If you dont do that, you dont deserve to be succesful in pvp. And if you do, you deserve to mow down all the weaklings.
  16. DarthShogun

    DarthShogun Forum Apprentice

    I won't say that I am whining about the pvp being unfair, I actually enjoy the challenge since I am an experienced MMO player - so unlike others I know how to handle myself, but the main train of thought in this thread is the difficulty experienced by newbies. I just sympathise with them because it really would suck if I was in their position, besides many new players get demotivated after consecutive losses and think they need to reach level 45 before they pvp (which is the silliest thing I have heard). One has to look at the perspective from their side as well, just as you are stating your opinion also .. like you say you tend to do a few in game purchases, not many have the power to say that. Then again they don't know about crafting etc etc in the end you can't really blame the new players for whining, or the elite for crushing them. pwnage is earned. You either pay a lot or play a lot.
  17. _G_R_A_M_P_S_

    _G_R_A_M_P_S_ Old Hand

    Agree there. It s just that i see a lot of advanced players going on about pvp being unfair in many many topics, which just becomes rather annoying. They should be happy pvp isnt the way it used to be: essences giving 100% up to 300% damage, which has now been changed to 10% up to 30%. Potions could be used every 10 seconds in pvp, now it s once a minute. Those where bad days.
    The only thing i would understand players to be mad about would be players with a mentor bonus. After going through all the trouble to become a seasoned legionnaire at lvl 12, suddenly since the introduction of the mentor bonus, you encounter lvl 9 centurions! If anything is demotivating in pvp, it s that kind of players.
  18. CountDuco

    CountDuco Forum Greenhorn

    All well and good... however, when you are "matched" up against PvPers of several levels higher than your character, you are killed quicker and then wait a long while for the battle end. Soooo, it's not whining, but a great P.I.T.A. to sit around and wait for the battle to end. And, you are not learning much if you are killed right away and have no way to participate (to learn how to play).

    Another bone to pick... in 1v1, why does the superior opponent whittle you to within a point of being killed, then wait until time runs out? Does quitting early hurt any points the other player hopes to gain from going essentially inactive for the last minute or so?
  19. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    They are basically trying not to gain exp by waiting for exhaustion kill..... If I faced them, I just give them a piece of my mind and teleport. At least it will hurt them in giving them less points.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2014
  20. darknightbleeds

    darknightbleeds Forum Apprentice

    :mad:Im only a novice cent level 15 and i fight level 17 nkotos or koto's I can't take one step without them 1 hitting me for like 2000!!! damage and like i said im level 15 novice cent.o_O
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