BGH event for the rich who P2W

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Spagiari, Jul 27, 2024.

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  1. Spagiari

    Spagiari Active Author

    I'm from South America, we already have a high MS and we still pay in USD at the cash store, which is worth 5x what the product is worth in the store. And yet there are many people from South America who play this game and spend it too. Now this event could be like a Sargon event, you could farm the entrance and not spend money on income, which for SA is very complicated. The DSO team could give us some attention. I've been playing this game for years, but if it continues like this I'm going to stop playing the BGH set, it's difficult to drop not because of the attempts but because I can't afford to keep buying items from the store at the entrance to try to drop the set. Now this game is becoming P2W. I won't think it's bad to go 1000 thousand times to try to drop the set, but please give me the means to farm the tickets and not buy them with real money. AND PLEASE MODERATOR DON'T DELETE THE POST, BECAUSE THE FORUM IS DEAD FROM SO MANY POSTS BEING DELETED.
    tozagol likes this.
  2. Talaby

    Talaby Someday Author

    I'm also from South America. In addition to the facts you mentioned, I realized that the game does everything to make us feel bad. I fought 2 years to make the mythical set of Dragan par at the end of the set be nerfed and I waste all my time. Christmas or New Year's event, buying some items with Anderments and joining others purchased with coins you could be able to win 1 week of Premium. I got 400 days of premium, since the other items dropped by the event didn't drop at all. Then came another event of buying with money the white packets that only those who were premium could buy. And guess what? My Premium membership was not worth buying the items. This among other unpleasant things that happens to us South Americans. It seems like a veiled campaign to get us to leave the game or to spend money, and worse, with no guarantee of a return on investment. sad. disappointed too.
    tozagol likes this.
  3. Talbor

    Talbor Advanced

    It's not only you guys who are affected, it's everyone. I don't know anything about the conversion rates for different currencies, but if they don't adjust that then I could see it being better/worse for some countries compared to others. Anyways, I'd say the game is heavy PTW now for the better items unless you have a lucky account & my advice is don't spend at things with a "chance" of getting it because odds are you won't get it. Especially when you don't know if it'll end up just getting nerfed like Talaby mentioned after spending all that money.

    I don't spend anymore, but if I did it'd only be for Premium for the free respawns & stuff.
    tozagol likes this.