Feedback Big Game Hunt Event

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Sunlight, Jul 6, 2018.

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  1. Shansurri

    Shansurri Active Author

    Really enjoy this event. Biggest issue is the pet offered (would love to see some variation there so we can get something new if we already have the Fennec), and the 'lucky sphere' method of getting the walrus at the end. I'd rather have a single unique mount, one that is specific to the event. Otherwise, if you offer another sphere of walrus (or gorilla for that matter) in the next event, some of us are going to get disappointed when we go all the way through for a sphere which gives us the exact same mount we already have.

    Also-- I was hoping for a black gorilla, but maybe that's just me.

    One suggestion related to this-- in a few of the maps, there are easily hidden foes (small spiders, witches, etc) which can cause us to clear a map, only to spend valuable time going back through it over and over trying to find that ONE critter that was missed. Would it be possible to treat clearing the map like a quest, and give us question guidance for the task? That way, if a single monster remains, quest guidance would show us where it is located. Just an idea, anyway.
    Hetsunien likes this.
  2. Nobs

    Nobs Forum Apprentice

    Ok I made this post earlier about how the Badges were dropping most was on Khaly's so I copy it here Hello everyone I was not as lucky to finish this event the Big Game Hunt mainly because of my work but when I got time to play I try to make the most out of , it was hard to find good teams of players of my lvls but what I have notice was how the Badges were dropping even with %per drop keep going up the amount of badges drop was not the same at first I though it was base on the team size then who got the kill but when I solo the amount that drop per run was up and down , one run I got like 1300 badges next run it drop to 900+ then back up then back down but the%bonus keep going up can one of the GM explain this to me plz cause I don't believe that is fair they are a few hours left in the event if anyone want to check it out i don't think many players had notice that
  3. ΣMiwel

    ΣMiwel Forum Ambassador

    That is in r212 already.
    It was already said to you. The stack size is not constant. Here you can find the complete list of stacks.
    Nobs likes this.
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