Big point please read this

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by LucidWolf9, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. LucidWolf9

    LucidWolf9 Forum Greenhorn

    Today I'm going to try to delete my account and if I can't I will just stop playing, because the PvP is way too unbalanced, andermant almost never drops yet you need it for almost everything. So, goodbye.
  2. ZmajodBosne

    ZmajodBosne Active Author

    Good Luck!
  3. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    bigpoint is really putting thier deaf ears to balance pvp.. what they dont relaize is this is why this game is dying so rapidly.. think over u not making money by making p2p op and f2p weak..most f2p already quit, only p2ps are running dso now!!! how long will it take for these guys to start hating this game without easy kills?? now its just matter of who pays more wins..

    i have seen so many p2p crying and bad mouthing other p2p coz they loose to them..
  4. darknightbleeds

    darknightbleeds Forum Apprentice

    Its so sad how fast this game is dying i remember when i first started it was a lot of fun now it is one of the worst games i have ever played.o_O
    LucidWolf9 likes this.
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