BLIZZARD (English, Level 43+ ONLY, Heredur) Guild :)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Marilander, Aug 3, 2014.

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  1. Marilander

    Marilander Forum Apprentice

    Hi. today I would like to introduce my new guild "BLIZZARD" It is a guild for ONLY level 43 and above who are in the server " Heredur ".

    PvP ranks don't matter to us because we know that you guys will grow.

    We are currently at 2 Members. Atthek and me myself. We will be a very helpful guild. Here's is the benefits of joining BLIZZARD -

    - We go Khalys (Hard) Very often,
    - We do Parallel world farming a lot too,
    - We help with any Kings Arena problems you have :D

    And this may sound very bad but.. If any other guild wants to start a war with us We rather start the war then just being killed :)

    Current members are...

    Juliette: Guild Master
    Atthek: Officer

    If you would like to join, please PM Juliette or Atthek :)

    Also please be noted that.. " Juliette " Has a russian E at the end of her name. So if you would like to join our guild by PMing juliette, Search for " Juliett " At the search bar and scroll down :) Shes the level 45 Ranger.

    TY! I hope you guys join our guild hehe
    tagedieb likes this.
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