Suggestion Boss fight stats

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by _Baragain_, Jan 3, 2016.

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  1. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    When you finish a PvP match, you see stats including deaths, kills, damage dealt, and other relevant statistics. I was thinking the other day about dead beats who don't pull their weight in a boss fight and how adding a system similar to the PvP stats could help here.

    Some of the stats that I propose would be important to show would be deaths, spirit stones used on team, damage dealt, damage received, how much of each essence was expended, potions used, that sort of thing. It could allow us to measure the effectiveness of the team and allow us to see if we want to group with those people in the future. As a defense DK, I'd expect that I should be taking 90%+ of the damage, but dealing maybe 5% of the damage. As a Damage dealer SM, I'd expect to deal 15-25% of the damage, but take 5% of the damage or less. Also, the Essence use numbers would allow us to spot free loaders who think that it is funny to come to a group and say "I have reds," and then they leach off the group by just using blues or greens. Sure, this system may piss off the noobs that are trying to skate by, but to people who help out others, it would be a good metric of if someone really deserves the help. It would also force honesty. I don't mind if someone is using lower ess than me, but I do mind if they are lying about it.

    So, what do you think? I know the system could use some details, so help me develop this into something that the mods can submit as a well formed idea.
  2. MANOJ

    MANOJ Forum Pro

    Nice idea!
    But having seen recent updates like the CV system for example, I doubt if the current programming team can develop such a statistical feature.
    I would also like a timer that compares the time taken for kill in comparison to each player's best.
    And a efficiency tab, that keep track of our ess spent every boss run and have the most efficient count for cross reference.
    These will help us check which skill set and build will make it more efficient and quick. Also, a personal best record motivates us in Boss Farming.

    P.S: @_Baragain_ Your sig reads Level 45 DK!? :D
    -Skygazer- and _Baragain_ like this.
  3. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    I like the idea, I've been wanting this for a long time. It shouldn't be so hard to implement since it's the same thing we see in pvp at the end of each match.
  4. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    :oops: Don't know how I've missed that in the past of 4 months.
  5. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    What a lovely idea. The very similar idea was discussed on one of the other lang forums, was very well received and finally submitted to the Dev team by mods. It was October of 2015. Havent heard anything about that afterwards though.

    And take my vote for the idea in whatever form. More data we can see - better.

    On the other forum, there was a concern, from noobs) one you might think off. So people finally decided that it could be configurable whether you want to show your personal stats to others or not.

    Even having your personal data is a lot. And, if someone decides no to show his stats, that actually all I want to know anyway)
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    If that were the case, they would not be joining my group if they didn't say that they were planning to share their stats, and if they lied and didn't show their stats, then that would be their first and last run with me. They'd be placed on the ignore list, never to receive any charity from me in the future. If someone would not willing to show how they contribute, then I assume that they are trying to hide something. I don't mind helping people who are not that strong, but don't try and hide behind a costume and a dyed weapon to try to make me think that you are some big tough endgame LVL 50 who is actually a noob who has only been playing for 2 months and only reached LVL 50 yesterday.
  7. Rory34390

    Rory34390 Someday Author

    +1 I think that this is a good idea :)
  8. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    A formal system would be nice, but the cost to DSO would far outweigh the benefits to players. And their is no guarantee they would deliver an acceptable product.
    Most players develop their own feedback and judgement standards as they play more. I put the stars, and potential stars, on my friends' list for later. If they drop the game, or become strangers, the name drops off the list.
    misterbean likes this.
  9. misterbean

    misterbean Padavan

    I do the same, I keep my friend list tidy, from time to time I scroll through it and remove the ones who are always offline or the ones who are always too busy to play with me or to answer me. And I keep adding good players when I find them so I don't have to go with random groups from the regional chat and waste my time on fatal mode with people who have the 100 gold cloak and end of time weapon. These are the kind of groups with players who prefer to revive themselves for 120 ander than revive a team member for 40
  10. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    Exactly what I meant by my last sentence :)
  11. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    Experience tells me that they would probably half *ss the system making it useless, but I'll +1 because I think the idea is an exceptional one.
  12. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    I like the idea.
  13. hempthegreen

    hempthegreen Advanced

    +1 for me. I like the idea alot, would be helpful to see even in random groups per say on who did what. I know I have a damage dealing DK That is wonderful for heavy damage I can easly kill gorga hard (just ex.) Before the 1st spiders are spit. thats reds at 11k base. Or My level 45 Dk that is a pure tank and lucky to kill a fly. 20,078 hp (cant wait for him to get to balor will be a blast!) any how Would be awesome to see alittle boss fight stat at the end of fight. Perhaps rewarding the player with alittle extra gold, anderment or an extra legendary for doing the most damage , Or the most damage taken. Something along those lines. Boost the chance of all players really giving effort.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  14. Szmaciak

    Szmaciak Junior Expert

    I wander people why are you put ideas and vote for them for yes which are not good for players, for fast of game, farm and make waste their time.
    Do you really like going three maps to boss, not fast reset like before 158? And stupid animations of bosses, waiting for fight with him? Maybe DSO should be game for little girls with more flowers, pictures, colours, pets and all this stuff make farm boss longer?
    I saw similar proposal at other forum - fortunately ALL players said NO for this from reasons same like my.
    I only hope that is will be not in game because BP doesn't like show us mechanics and stats of game, mobs and bosses. Please stop proposal which make farm here longer...
    For me it is impossible to give us all those information you wrote, there are too dangerous for them and for players who don't want show others how they play and what use.
    And vice versa - more information for BP for make bosses stronger and nerfing us and drop because tool like this in game.
  15. Knifefromjack

    Knifefromjack Someday Author

    I only hope that is will be not in game because BP doesn't like show us mechanics and stats of game, mobs and bosses. Please stop proposal which make farm here longer...
    For me it is impossible to give us all those information you wrote, there are too dangerous for them and for players who don't want show others how they play and what use.
    And vice versa - more information for BP for make bosses stronger and nerfing us and drop because tool like this in game.Szmaciak

    If you don't want to show how hp or damage you can do then ask an option to turn it off. But for the end gamers they don't want to carry my sorry back end in into the PWs and I don't blame them.

    as for BP info they know or could know how people play and they already know, i suppose.
    I like the idea for teams. It would be good to know how much the others on your team are contributing.
    _Baragain_ and hempthegreen like this.
  16. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    I like this idea for one good reason. It tells us how much hp a mob has ;)
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  17. Armando

    Armando Forum Connoisseur

    I also support the stats idea.
    I definitely find it a lot better than the "colour of essence used dot" in the group list that has often been demanded, because the individual contribution also depends on base damage and essences needed per skill. (BTW, number of skills used/shots fired/hits may also be interesting...).
    Plus, it would indeed give us an idea about better team tactics.
    I would actually like to have it for every PvE map, not only boss runs.
    _Baragain_ likes this.
  18. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    That is your opinion... I have to trust someone if I'm going to run with them and someone who is afraid to show anything about themselves can't be trusted.
    And that would put to rest the debate of how HP scales in a group.
    I like that in principal, but that is almost too open ended. Boss fights are more distinct.
  19. Xx_charles_silva_xX

    Xx_charles_silva_xX Count Count


    This idea has been already proposed in the past in other fóruns (in other languages ;)).

    +1 for me, I appreciate that.
    Last edited: Jan 12, 2016
  20. SGK|GaminG|HD2000

    SGK|GaminG|HD2000 Active Author

    Nice :)
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