BOT User Grimmag

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Svirachqrtzu, Aug 3, 2017.

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  1. Svirachqrtzu

    Svirachqrtzu Forum Greenhorn

    Hi all,today i was seen a player acting weird,im not 100% sure but i think he use BOT
    I Recorded a short video but you can see it self,maybe im wrong,tell me

    [EDIT: Content removed]
    Last edited by moderator: Aug 3, 2017
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    Hello @Svirachqrtzu, first of all, thanks for your concerns, but I'm afraid that public acusations are not allowed in the forums, any proof that you have about a user possibly using third party software, such as a bot, must be sent to your language support team, since we forum moderators do not have access to the proper tools to investigate such cases, as such, this is thread closed, best regards.
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