BP get Ur act together! Why am I still getting conversations like this after 6 yrs???

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Theusen, Jun 28, 2017.

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  1. Theusen

    Theusen Padavan

    I wanna play fair and treat people fair! I like to help people in the game, but why on earth is this not fixed yet? Next month is Ur 6yrs anniversary, and I am close to the ONLY 1 still here... But WHY, WHY, WHY Am I still getting trolled like this by twinks lvl 15???


    If U dont want pushing, then FIX it! -Theres TONS of ways U can do that!!! over the years I have posted many solutions, but U, (BigPoint) is STILL putting people between two chairs... I wanna play fair, and not compromise my own fairness, but U guys are STILL too greedy! U say that U dont want pushing, yet after 6 years U still make it not only possible, but U encourage it cuz U get money from it, but still make it illegal, but possible to do...

    [​IMG][EDIT: Media removed]

    I know that this tread will get deleted as so many treads before this 1, but at least I have my screenshoots! =o)

    Happy 6yrs to any players out there, who is still here after 6yrs of BPabuse! ;)
    Last edited by moderator: Jun 28, 2017
  2. Erebus

    Erebus User

    And you've been around long enough to know perfectly which rules they should abide to before posting them, last warning, you're free to share any type of DSO related media you like, as long as it follows the forum rules.

    As for your concerns, we constantly poke BP about the topic, but ultimately, they are the ones to make a decision upon it, not us moderators, nor support volunteers, best regards.
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