BP only fix selective bugs for their benefit?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by ArcaneMaster, Mar 19, 2014.

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  1. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    We all knew they are going fix broken pws as it directly effects bp's revenue.

    What surprises me is to know how effective devs can be!!
    they figured out the issue, got themselves a fix, and dispatched a hot fix... all that in less than 12 hours???? :confused:

    but when it comes to game play bugs like teleportation/thircket of thornes.. etc etc they took months/multiple releases to figure out the problem??:mad:

    so it makes me wonder do these game play issues passed QE unnoticed? or are they intentional?
    what ever they case is, its utterly disappointing to see devs being so ineffective to fix bugs that actually matter to players and not their purses.
    Ash, Zokin, moby31 and 2 others like this.
  2. Kasherinae

    Kasherinae Junior Expert

    Brokem teleport is an issue for which every spellweaver should be compensated with at least 100k andermant, but of course BP will not pay up.
  3. Hartvig

    Hartvig Forum Inhabitant


    The ONLY thing BP cares about is MONEY! Just look at this fantastic bug that they fixed in under 24 hours, while we have waited months for them to fix other annoying bugs. The other bugs don´t cost them much money, but this one have costed them thousands. It is just funny to see how fast they can work, while they normally don´t do A THING to fix bugs. But when they lose money because of the bug... LMAO!

    Maybe BP regret the thing about not testing and fixing bugs on TS with this one. They should only have went to ANY Q to see the bug and then fix it. But did they do it? NOPE! This time they lost money on a bug. LOTS of money.

    This post is probably going to be deleted. The devs always delete things they CAN´T answer with a good answer because im RIGHT!
    But hey, im only answering the guy! And telling the TRUTH!

    Im actually having fun about this case. It´s so pathetic im having great fun. As always, no personal offense, but BP is really screwing things up! :D
    Zokin, stasis and Bearer-of-Death like this.
  4. Mrcroww

    Mrcroww Forum Master

    Yeah yeah, once again, thanks BP for the 1Mil glyphs and the 9 uniques in less than 24 hours :)

    That's what I call free to play. ;)
  5. moby31

    moby31 Regular

    U know what some people say that those bugs are planed just like the last time ess sale before update next thing update and bug .
    hotfix and harder pve :cool:
  6. Markoman

    Markoman Someday Author

    As a Java based online browser game, with constant new releases, DSO is experiencing a lot of bugs and errors threw the game, which need to be prioritized, not all problems affect the game on a same lvl and are in need of fast fix.
  7. Mrcroww

    Mrcroww Forum Master

    Hello, are you telling me Java is the cause of all those bugs? Really? Lol.

    I'm telling this since more than a year now : Give to some serious people a good character in the test server so they can play together and test the new releases and report the bugs efficiently. 100 people max. Just like you done when 6vs6 was introduced.
  8. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    Exactly my point..bp's priority is based on revenue alone and not on players frustration.

    sw's tele which is the sole evading skill for such a fragile class was broken for months.. player posted threads over threads, raising support tickets and what not and yet bp thought it is not severe enough to be on high priority?

    here we have another bug which no player wished to be fixed,
    a bug which actually made ppl to start liking this game.. people started farming, looking for groups, weaker player finally got themselves an opportunity to feel good. but bp thought this is very high priority issue that needs fixing overnight? all for what? to save few sales? but did bp actually see what happened? ppl were buying buffs and ess to get more kills.. but their greed is way beyond imagination.

    its just sickening to see bp way of prioritizing .. and worst players can only whine or quit.. no wonder this game is droppoing its numbers so quick.

    I am software developer in oracle. (...and ....yes java is owned by oracle!!!)
    working on products that are built on java, so i know a little about how java updates effect the life cycle of the products...so please do not blame on java alone.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2014
    Ash and moby31 like this.
  9. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I've said this a dozen times before and no one ever seems to listen. You can complain, or you can offer an idea... I've done just that. The bug got me thinking "What could happen if BP did this on purpose once and a while." Check it out here.

    And then, once you check it out, quit your complaining and contribute to something that can actually benefit the players more than your pointless (because we all know they won't pay attention to it anyway) bellyaching.

    Complaints fall on deaf ears, but a well thought out suggestion might just get some attention.
    DocWhisky likes this.
  10. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    well, i see this post did enough to have your attention and made u to complain here... oh wait i thought u were against complianing??? i guess u need to learn your own lesson first then u might start preaching... :p
  11. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I complain against complainers, not the devs. One I have some influence over, the other I have none. And your reply indicates that my complaints against complainers do receive attention where as your complaints against the devs do nothing. I
  12. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    lol. yet you are still complaining, that makes u no different from others. i guess u are smart enough to understand that ........... :cool:

    who gave u this strange idea? :D

    omg m so honoerd that all u wanted was my attention... :cool:
    i tend to give attention to everything from major things like making suggestions to improving gameplay to helping others or to stand up and make a voice against frustrating elements of games and ofcourse to unnecessary ranting of somone complaining to others not to complain. if my attention is all u seek, then by all mean u have it all full attention :rolleyes:

    people come to forum so as to put their views out for mods to pick and let them relay the message to devs. if u think devs come over forums and read every single thread then why are mods here for? to only do spelling corrections for us? :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  13. Zokin

    Zokin Forum Expert

    I was thinking about this myself, i mean, its not the first time this was happening, so why they make same mistake again?.. Oo
  14. Callisto

    Callisto Forum Pro

    Stop attacking each other.

    Hartvig, all your posts on the English boards are becoming the same thing over and over again. I'm 110% sure I know your opinion on things now, repeatably posting it isn't needed.

    As for this error being fixed fast, some things are easier to fix than others, they know what the difficulty is meant to be in parallels, other things its hit and miss in lines and pages of coding before they find the exact cause of a problem. SW teleport was never left on purpose, it did not effect everyone, and not only that it only effected some people some of the time, that was not a simple fix This wasn't just fixed for BPs benefit, I know that a few players were not happy either at the unfairness that it was causing.

    Now, less arguing with each other, or I will just close the thread.
    jthames and Melethainiel like this.
  15. hohiti

    hohiti Forum Apprentice

    Well yes Callisto, but small bugs like with the thircket of thrones can't really be that hard to fix, only problem is BP don't care enough to fix it fast.

    About the PW's bug, nobody should blame the devs, cause the only reason they properly knew about the bug is most likely because of our loving (No employ of BP) admins.
    You see the admins play this game like us, the dev's don't that's properly also what leed's to their EDIT patches and EDIT excuses.
    (Since when you guys had to edit f? Lol childish).

    Why is it so hard to see? You guys really think this game is worth supporting in money?

    110k ander for 100 euros, you think this game is worth it?

    I'm 100% sure that it was an admin either on their Skype chat or in a email, reported this PW bug and therefore the dev's got infomation about it, I highly doubt that the dev's themselves knew this.

    Of course the admins only reported the problem, because it is the best for all players right, right? :)

    "Of course Hohiti it is a bug!" Well then why don't BP begin to fix bugs, which many players ask them too fix? Please avoid lying to me, by saying thircket of thrones is such a hard spell to fix. (Just as an example)

    This BP company... Most unprofessional people ever lol.
    Admins call this a job? Hah, no wonder why you guys are hiring 15+ kids.

    Well I'm good at telling EDIT too, can you hire me? Haha. :)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2014
  16. trakilaki

    trakilaki Living Forum Legend

    This game is not Java based.
    It is completely written in C++, just using Java Applet for browser.
  17. Fallen_Dove

    Fallen_Dove Forum Greenhorn

    Arcane, patience man, it's just a game, enjoy it and have fun.
    jthames likes this.
  18. ArcaneMaster

    ArcaneMaster Active Author

    hahaha... trust me i am really trying to.. god help me!!! :D
    Bearer-of-Death likes this.
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