BREAKING NEWS: Kaylin Lefrye spotted in Kingshill

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by wiley_wiggins, Apr 17, 2015.

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  1. MegaNuker

    MegaNuker Forum Ambassador

    My suggestion for people that want to join in is post like this.

    Invite Hitzalot Dragon Knight Level 41
    I flossed and brushed my teeth; and lost that dragon's breathe I know you've heard about.

    I am however not going to be on at 4PM DST

    This will help the raven know who you are and your level.
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    wiley_wiggins likes this.
  2. Guitarman

    Guitarman Forum Master

    oh.... what about Tegan...... T__T
    Kiwigal1244 likes this.
  3. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    I would say "Invite me because I am a hard hitting tank that would defend her dignity and ensure the hordes of Dragan would not besmirch her honor," but alas, I have this crazy thing called work and I won't be online for this heroic quest.
    tinyboom likes this.
  4. maneakDooH

    maneakDooH Forum Apprentice

    I would say "invite me, because i am a gentleman and i will take care of Kaylin Lefrye "
    P.S. maneakDooH 43 lvl SW
    P.S.^2 29 April is not supposed to be more castle revencaw as i know! or is some +days for event that will be and moderators made mistake writing this date? or is just mistake 29 <> 22 April ??
  5. Hazey_Phase

    Hazey_Phase Forum Greenhorn

    Dearest Kaylin,
    Your appearance humbles us Agathonian warriors. I applaud you on your victory of aquiring of a worthy steed for battle once again. I too seek a lion and have been serving the kingdom in the blight of Evil Gnob. However the bow gets heavy in times of war and a man needs a new challenge and new allies at his side to keep his whit strong. You shall not regret having my bow at your side.

    Level 45 Ranger
    yiannis_l, tinyboom and Dragonnns like this.
  6. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend


    Live from Agathon. She's here... And she thinks she's funny.

    And to those who were there, "SQUIRREL!!!"
    Last edited: Apr 23, 2015
    tinyboom, Trailboss1 and Dragonnns like this.
  7. Hazey_Phase

    Hazey_Phase Forum Greenhorn

    Squirrel indeed. Thanks for the laughs Kaylin!
  8. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

  9. Dewesh

    Dewesh Someday Author

    Kaylin Lefrye....pls can u showcase ur maze build ? ?
    :) :) really wanna see ur build :) :)
  10. Kiwigal1244

    Kiwigal1244 Active Author

    Good to know you will be choosing more players to join You. It would be a pleasure to run with You Kaylin. No pressure.. Best wishes to those who will finally be chosen in advance.:D
  11. jthames

    jthames Advanced

    Red Fred
    L-45 SW

    Attn.: The Most Honorable Kaylin Lefyre

    Been a 'gamer' since the days when Pac-man ruled all the lands. Never, in the decades since, have I found an adventure so enjoyable and so addictive as DSO. Despite having played DSO intensely for 2+ years I admit not being anywhere near the upper echelon of players.
    Dependent on set-up, my little hero, Red Fred, runs 724 to 1400 max damage, 1.42 to 1.18 aps w/6600+ hp and 2300+ armor. As meager as those stats may be, i would be honored to think that my request to be of service was even considered and would, without doubt, constitute the thrill of my life.

    I remain on call to serve at the moment of yours and/or DSO's needs.

    Your Servant:
    Mr. Red Fred :)

    cc: Mr. Wiley_Wiggins
    BigPapa likes this.
  12. yiannis_l

    yiannis_l Forum Apprentice

    Thank you for your services, Kaylin.
    In this war against evil, if you call for it, my sword is at your service.


    ΙωάννηςΛ (Heredur)
  13. maneakDooH

    maneakDooH Forum Apprentice



    Kaylin WunderPrincess
    Last edited by moderator: Apr 25, 2015
    Hannai likes this.
  14. wiley_wiggins

    wiley_wiggins Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Thanks for the replies so far guys. It isn't too late to get involved though.

    Remember, Kaylin will be in Kingshill on Agathon tomorrow at 4pm Daylight Savings Time (Which is 10am in New York for example).

    I'll then be reporting on this here shortly after.

    All the best

  15. wiley_wiggins

    wiley_wiggins Community Team Team Drakensang Online

    Kaylin LeFrye, ambassador to Lor'Tac visited Agathon yesterday as planned. Her aim was to ensure Agathon's Heroes were ready for the new continent. Unfortunately, even Kaylin couldn't gain access to Castle Ravencaw so she enlisted her first army to Blackborg to clean house.

    Her first group consisted of @Bravenanth @Gryphuss @Kephlar and @Varl who all battled valiantly to save the Virgin not once but twice. They then marched on to battle the Fairy Queen Karabossa, out-flanking her to bring an end to her miserable existence.

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    They returned to Kingshill as Heroes. This dangerous time however is not a time for rest so a new army was selected. Blackborg was again chosen due to the New Moon Event.

    The new recruits were @JAFO17 @smitty29 Samuel Draken and Newmouse2. A similar path of destruction was left before them.

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    Kaylin then decided that the team needed a bit more of a test and opted for the Teleportarium and the always gruelling end battle with the Destructor. @JAFO17 valiantly gave up his spot for Godofhellfire to join the fray. They began the mission in Stalgard, making short work of the Mechanoids there.


    Even the Dragon-brood High Priest could do very little to stop them and the showdown with the Destructor was one victory closer.


    The Heroes ran the Teleportarium gauntlet.

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    Until they finally came to face to face with the Destructor. A long and arduous battle then commenced with the Destructor, which regularly revived itself.


    In the end though, amidst the wreckage it became clear that the Destructor had been destroyed.

    The band of Heroes returned triumphantly to Kingshill.


    Agathon's Heroes proved their worth and Kaylin has asked me to thank all who participated; she had a lot of fun.

    Not only were those who participated rewarded with the honor of defending Agathon, they were also each given a small gift by Kaylin- Spectacular Fireworks (x5) and Stormball Horn (Consumable x5).

    Chief Reporter

    Wiley Wiggins
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2015
  16. atilaris

    atilaris Forum Greenhorn

    Pick me :D lets explore together
  17. Kephlar

    Kephlar Forum Greenhorn

    hey Kaylin thanks for posting im popullar now :p
    wiley_wiggins likes this.
  18. Jayraya

    Jayraya Forum Greenhorn

    i'm dying to see Kaylin Lefrye do the Dracaty's Cheer =)
  19. Hannai

    Hannai Someday Author

    Nice job Squirrels!!
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