Bring back cash events?

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by SweetRanger, May 10, 2014.

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  1. SweetRanger

    SweetRanger Forum Apprentice

    Some of you may remember the old "Warrior Group" We'll personally i thought it was a great introduction for drakensangs cashe events to come. Although there we're flaws with it i thought it was a great idea. It brought an incentive for skilled players of all servers to compete for a cash reward! I do not know why they dismissed "Cash Rewards" It was a great idea. I think you should consider reintroducing it and/or a different event similar but only make it fair for each class. Make it no ess, no pots, no buffs, no enhancements whatsoever, just a 1v1, give each class the same gems, same gear for each level range, and may the best skilled players have the chance to win cash reward. When seeing this awhile back, i was like, NO FLIPPIN' WAY! This is awesome, great idea, and then it was banished :/ I would like to see this and i also believe so would others. Just an idea for the DSO team to consider, it really would be nice to see something like that again.
  2. Bearer-of-Death

    Bearer-of-Death Exceptional Talent

    Hi SweetRanger,

    1st - a F2P like myself, will never beat a medium/heavy P2P class, doesn't matter how good you're.

    2nd - BP would never limit the battles upon P2P class, or their income would decrease...instead of increasing.

    3th - It didn't brought any incentive, it only brought frustration to all F2P or small P2P class, after their 5th or 10th consecutive loss, they simply stopped participating.

    But if BP would do other "Dances of Blades" event, its ok with me...I don't mind nor do i care for it, I didn't participated in the 1st one anyway.

    So good luck to you, if this event reappears!!!
    goe-spec likes this.
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