Feedback Bug found in Ancestral event

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by TheSword26, Aug 5, 2024.

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  1. TheSword26

    TheSword26 Forum Apprentice

    These are all bugs I found:

    about Jewel of Glacial Fang (Fenrirs):
    1) Multiple Fenrirs that do the freeze attack on a frozen enemy, don't refresh the freeze time of the enemy. I noticed that after a Fenrir froze the Herald (light blue) on Floor 6 and other Fenrirs did the freezing attack later, but the Boss didn't remain cold after those attacks (freeze time expired on boss after Fenrirs attacks)

    2) I noticed Fenrirs got a different amount of health, depend of character's health or similiar. Well, Fenrirs damage do not scale with characater's damage, neither going on higher mode. Fenrirs damage are the same in Normal mode and in Bloodshed mode. They should scale with character damage or mode at least.

    3) Fenrirs cannot gain health regen by the effect of the Jewel of Encouragement and it appears "immune" on them (those 3 knights summoned by the War's Banner gain the effect)

    about Floors:
    4) At floor 6, the first path is spiked, but it is not shown on the map. Only after the first beacon activation, the path can be crossed. (I died several times due that, cuz I forget it everytime)

    5) Like the guide itself says, the Floor 1 will drop 1 Arcane dragon essence from the Floor boss... well, you forgot to say when boss drops it then... Because the arcane essence will drop everytime on other floors giving different amount based of the range of the floor, but on Floor 1 it should give 1 Arcane essence every runs; it drops once every 4 kills at the moment.

    6) Elixir of premium equipment doesn't work with Floors' Bosses. Those bosses should drop their items, like Herald and its gloves/weapons, Medusa, Aracna, Nefertari....
    And another time, Elixir doesn't work on Paragon at Floor 10, not giving a blue set piece neither a yellow ring Lvl 145 (even dracanian items could have drop).

    And nothing else, as I said on feedback thread, I did not drop any blueprints, they should not be hard to find, they are just recipe for workbench... you should give them to players or unlock them directly, not farm them :(

    Thank you all

    The BGM music of the all ancestral event (Hub and Floors) is set as SFX. I tried mute Music, but it continues. If I mute SFX, the bgm is mute as well. Fix it, I always play with SFX and no music.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2024
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