Bug in Temple

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by multitoonz, Feb 19, 2014.

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  1. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    As soon as you jump up to the next level from entry level, middle run, you can go inside the Atlantean Statue there on the left and not take any damage at all. You can still kill stuff. I know there's not much there to kill but the scenery right there is glitched.
  2. Biztart

    Biztart Exceptional Talent

    Can you please provide a screenshot of the location?
  3. multitoonz

    multitoonz Forum Great Master

    Would love to but forum changed and I can't upload screenshot like I could on old forums. Supposed to export my image to another site just to put a url on it? Confused... :confused:

    As soon as you enter temple area and jump up to the next level over the stair gap, UP THE MIDDLE RUN, not the right broken stairs to reach red lobster boss, behind the tentacle plant on the left is the big statue of the Atlanteans with amphorae, just run inside of the statue and nothing can touch you at all. If a npc mob is in it you cannot kill it, you have to draw it out.
  4. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Multi, you need to use a photosharing site. There are instructions and links somewhere telling you how to do it. I hate the new way too. Even made a post about it.
  5. -necromonster-

    -necromonster- Junior Expert

    We are in the process of making a tutorial on uploading pictures to the forums as the old one you could upload straight from the website. In the meantime, sper009 put up a pretty detailed method using imgur.

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