Bug Bug Showcase

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ManaThief, Dec 7, 2020.

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  1. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    I would like to start this thread for people to post images of some interesting or funny bugs.

    I'm sure we all encountered many, so you can share it here.

    I would like to start with my very nice weapon stats:

    FAALHAAS likes this.
  2. ManaThief

    ManaThief Advanced

    Seems like I'm hiding gifts under my skirt.


    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

  4. mariokb

    mariokb Forum Apprentice

    Hello @ManaThief, such percentage is displayed on equipment items' values when there is no such value in item's base stats to correspond with, about the issue with the chest display in the Cave map - it is known.