Suggestion Can you please announce your maintenance?

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by OPΛ, Dec 22, 2023.

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  1. OPΛ

    OPΛ Forum Apprentice

    I mean, there's nothing on the forum on maintenances but there are times when i enter and server is down, for how long? Nobody knows...
    Selene-Rip, magic68 and Enocuel06 like this.
  2. jelbeat

    jelbeat Regular

    And naturally after this "small" update i am rewarded with my toons moving without me doing that, impossible to play :mad:
  3. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    two days in a row that i have to dowload the game again without anyone saying nothing about it... server: HEREDUR. thnaks DSO
  4. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    And now we have some new behavior where a message on the screen says "Connection to Server Established!" but then does absolutely nothing. No Retry button. No Play button. No Characters. Not sure this is an improvement.
    Lambrusco likes this.
  5. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    this is what i like of this game most... same here

    I could go into the game but now the characters seem to be jumping and inpossible to cham¡nge maps... Thanks DSO for this awesome game
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2023
  6. PepsiDrink21

    PepsiDrink21 Forum Greenhorn

    Today I wanted to finish my mini event, but when I entered there were still 8 minutes until maintenance. After the maintenance, my character dances even at the gate, I don't get to enter the map from the bear .... how can I do another minievent. But I can do something :)) to close the game. Thanks DSO.
    SoftwareEngineer and Lambrusco like this.
  7. Lambrusco

    Lambrusco Exceptional Talent

    Maybe if you get to cross a door game works form there cos in kinghill as you said your characters only go back and forth... but i managed to get to the door of the cave and there game worked but once i leaved it and back to kingshill same problem again...
    -Nasus- likes this.
  8. ntanos10

    ntanos10 Forum Greenhorn

    Today what is happening with this lag and bug;;;when they fix it;
    magic68 likes this.
  9. Javah

    Javah Forum Veteran

    I logged in just out of curiosity, having read your comments... and at Kingshill I really laughed out loud: I find myself skating (although bouncing would be the more appropriate term) from one side of the map to another without even needing to click the mouse.

    And the most funny thing is seeing dozens of players in the same situation as me: it really feels like being on skates on one of those ice rinks outside shopping centres, full of dozens of clumsy people who can't even stand up... a Holiday on Ice to the nth degree, with people high on steroids... great BigPoint, we can't play but at least we laugh too much.
    SoftwareEngineer likes this.
  10. mirci111

    mirci111 Forum Greenhorn

    I was dancing around the map now i cant even start the game itself XD.
  11. SoftwareEngineer

    SoftwareEngineer Forum Greenhorn

    I'm in the same situation, they need to find a solution urgently. I couldn't finish the Mini Event.
  12. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    Symptom 1: First time logging in, white screen with test animations for over a minute before Kingshill map loaded. Did the cave.

    Symptom 2: Changing pets works, but there's a 5-6 second delay from selection to actual pet swapping.

    Symptom 3: Selling junk also entails 5-6 second delay.

    Symptom 4: Traveled/teleported to Hiraja. Shorter loading screen delay of ~20 seconds. No rubber-banding. Went into Great Desert map with no issues. Left Great Desert and rubber-banding began in Hiraja. Tried going back to character selection screen, the re-loading the same character. Did not resolve rubber-banding issue. Eventually crawled (literally taking one step, pause, take another step) to the travel stone, jumped back to Kingshill (after a 110 second loading screen delay).

    Symptom 5: No rubber-banding ... until I entered the event map. So, rubber-banding is not tied exclusively to urban areas.

    Server: Grimmag, accessed from West Coast USA.
    Latency indicator: I'm seeing 500, 1,000 - 1,400 in the event map (on any other day, no matter the location, my latency is typically in the range of 200-270). Drops back to the 175 - 2xx range, with or without rubber-banding, and whether or not I move or take any action, then bounces back to some other random higher value.

    Recommendation: Devs should NEVER EVER implement new code (other than an emergency hotfix to address a very specific issue) on Thursday or Friday, as they understandably don't want to work on the weekend to correct their patches, leaving the customers unable to play for 3-5 days waiting for an eventual fix.
    Pascal, SoftwareEngineer and valki44 like this.
  13. magic68

    magic68 Forum Greenhorn

    From 2 days ago I can not play anymore after the annoucement with maintenances. There is a glitch/ bug with my character.(it s moving by himself) Does this happened to you as well ? What should I do? I uninstalled and installed the game. thanks in adv.


    Hello. here it goes myself in the same situation. jeez. horrible. what should we do ?
    Last edited by moderator: Dec 23, 2023
  14. Viyanor

    Viyanor Forum Apprentice

    People wanted a decent game instead of more premium than they wanted. We see that bigpoint is maneuvering not for what is wanted, but for what is not wanted.