Cannot continue

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by ResilienzaItalia, Oct 7, 2021.

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  1. ResilienzaItalia

    ResilienzaItalia Forum Greenhorn

    I am stuck. I killed Sigrilmar and haven't quest to continue to ellonidos. None have ! or ? on its. All are done or (R)! I don't know how to pass to ellonidos and continue. Please reset the dragon hunter captain at jarlhofn so i can go to ellonidos with all new quests. Or suggest how to continue! Thx.
  2. dkarl

    dkarl Forum Duke

    What level is your toon? I'm guessing 34. Just grind (you can do runs on Sigrismarr or perhaps go back to Prison of Souls, FBI, and The Hidden Sanctum on Painful mode to work on the crafting quests) until you hit level 35, at which time you should get the quest in Jarlshofn to move on to Ellonidos.
  3. ResilienzaItalia

    ResilienzaItalia Forum Greenhorn

    Now i am not. I, trespassed lv 35 and magically final quest of sigrilmarr started and then also Ellonidos. False flag. Thx!
  4. Shine2

    Shine2 Board Administrator Team Drakensang Online

    All's well then:) :

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