Cant find any quests

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Shelli_lala, Mar 9, 2014.

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  1. Shelli_lala

    Shelli_lala Forum Greenhorn

    I'm level 32 and in the Hagins Mine area. I've gone to the surrounding areas that I could get into and I can't find anymore quests :/ Only one I can find is Warm Pelt. Surely there are others. Usually the quest log is full. Anybody have any suggestions to something I may be missing ?
    Thank you.
  2. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Sometimes you run out of quests for your level. You have to level up to unlock the other quests. So for now, you should farm Herald of the Anderworld until you are level 33 and then farm Sigrismarr.
  3. Superme

    Superme Forum Pro

    Infamous is right. From level 30 onward require lots of grinding, you will realise that the quests will take you to at most 1/2 of the bar and you are forced to grind the rest. The best thing to do is grind Sigris, but be careful not to join groups with the highest leveled player no more than 2 levels ahead of you.
  4. Shelli_lala

    Shelli_lala Forum Greenhorn

    Okay........I think :p Thanks for responces . Preciate it. A grinding I will go. And, btw............I don't play in groups . :)
  5. DesertKoala

    DesertKoala Forum Pro

    If you aren't into PVP leveling, your best bet is just relax between levels 30-35 in a party of friends grinding on Sig. A few hundred kills of Sig should put you into the next monster bracket where you grind on Gorga till 40. You can then back fill your 35-40 quests for their Ander with a bit more power.
  6. TheInfamous

    TheInfamous Board Analyst

    Well, good luck soloing those bosses. It will cost you a lot of time and possibly essence. Maybe even a few hundred andermant if your stats aren't good enough for solo runs.
  7. SailorSaturn

    SailorSaturn Padavan

    If you're level 32 and prefer soloing, I would just take the two repeatable quests (Caught in the Cold and Saving Embers) and go around Iron Forest over and over again. I made decent currency and smelting just by picking up all sorts of drops and turning in quests (which will come in handy later on when you need to upgrade all sorts of weapons/knowledge). That and taking down Gullov yourself along the way.

    Eventually along the solo grind, you'll get someone chiming in for you to go with them with Sigris. Normally I prefer playing alone but it's fun grinding Sigris over and over again for the drops with the right people on your side. When you get the technique right with the right group members who know what they're doing, taking down Sigris is virtually quick and painless with decent rewards. Plus it doesn't hurt making the odd friend or two especially for special events which requires grouping for quick event rewards.
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