Announcement Changes to Testserver Release 155 (#3)

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by teddy.bear, Aug 20, 2015.

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Hello Heroes,

    Please note that a new version of the test server is aimed to be launched today or tomorrow morning (21th August).​

    The version contains changes to skills.

    Here is an overview of all changes:​

    • Increased the regular passive rage gain by 300%
    • Frozen Sphere: Decreased projectile damage from 66% to 50%
    • The talent "Mighty Guardian" should now work correctly
    • Deadly Blow: Decreased skill damage from 100% to 80%
    • Explosive Arrow: Increased concentration cost from 50 to 66
    • The talent "Quick Death" now increases the attack speed of the player by 5% instead of 7%
    Best regards,
    CMs Greg and Haruki & DSO Moderation Team
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