Announcement Character Deletion

Discussion in 'Official Announcements' started by teddy.bear, Apr 15, 2020.

Dear forum reader,

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  1. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Dear Heroes of Drakensang Online,

    Some characters did not continue the path of Dracania and left their journey a long, long time ago.

    To shed some light, we talk about millions of inactive characters that had their last login before the 1st of January, 2015.

    Starting with Release 233 we will begin to delete these characters during the downtime of the usual maintenance windows. We will NOT delete accounts, purchased Andermant will stay. So, in case someone decides to return to his path after more than 5 years of absence, a new character on the existing account can still be created. We also do NOT delete any character from active accounts (logged in after the 1st of January, 2015). ​

    This measure is necessary to enhance sync processes that contain character data. Every character comes with a huge amount of data such as quests, items, Collector’s Bag entries, Achievements, saved Friends, saved Event Progress and more! Cleaning this data of inactive accounts will speed up patches that touches character data, such as item exchange and compensation scripts.

    Our goal is to have the inactive (before 01.01.2015) characters deleted before releasing the Content Expansion to have a smooth sync and an adequate downtime. ​

    There will be compensation packages for those that are affected but still want to return to the game. In this case please contact support and provide them with your account information and make sure to have the character name and server ready. Once verified you will receive a package to restart your journey with a boost.
    We look forward to welcome back some missing heroes in Kingshill!
    Your Drakensang Online Team
    harold and Shine2 like this.
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