Suggestion Character

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by xantar22, Apr 1, 2015.

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  1. xantar22

    xantar22 Forum Greenhorn

    Hi, It would be nice if Drakensang were to modify the way players access their different character.

    In fact, all of our characters could benefit from one another by sharing there ex: gold, mana. weapons etc.. everything between them.

    We could benefit from all this and have even more long hour of fun with an amazing game.

  2. BigPapa

    BigPapa Forum Overlooker

    Yes your characters would benefit to the detriment of the rest of the community. Wouldn't it be fun if people could pass their Sacred gems to their level 4 toons and then go PVP?
  3. Dragonnns

    Dragonnns Count Count

    Sorry. Each toon needs to earn their place in the game. No way should a higher level pass off gear, etc. to the low level toon. We have enough problems with twinks without making it even easier.
  4. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    If you can swap gems one way, you can swap gems back as well. Imagine all the service fees DSO could charge for swapping gems back and forth between toons. It's a race to keep the active toon loaded with gems and gear. Players only need 1 set of great gems for all their toons, so head off to the jeweler right away. Let it escalate across the server, so everyone can be broke all the time!
    Now there's an improvement everyone can appreciate the same way.
  5. .Baraba.

    .Baraba. Advanced


    Just today I was in crypt helping my friend and in 3 runs I get 4 leg items lvl15-17 that my 45 lvl character dont need.... just imagine what my lower lvl characters will be if I farm items with lvl45 and pass to him. Or its easy to make 30-40-50.000 GoP with few runs on m2 q1 q2 ... in that case my 9 lvl character will have items upgraded to lvl40-45 in no time.
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