Suggestion Chat (and/or) window relocate while sub window open

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by TwiliShadow, Nov 25, 2016.

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  1. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    Trying to communicate with other while they are:
    • Going though thier inventory and looking at thier character sheet at same time
    • Just looking at thier character sheet
    • Talking to a merchant
    is a royal pain in the patootie.

    To this end can we get the chat displays and/or chat window moved to the center bottom?
    Here is a sample picture of what I'm after:[​IMG]

    It would follow all the same rules as normal, just when a left panel is open, it shifts to the middle. Maybe add an option to turn this effect on/off in the Options.

    If ya don't ask, ya often can't get. Just saying.
    jcdenton007 and Belei like this.
  2. JabaRune

    JabaRune Forum Apprentice

    Sorta in the same vein, I don't understand why the chat 'disappears' when you open things like Battle registration and the Event tab... those windows don't even cover up the chat :\ A lot of the other tabs like Journal and the skills tab would only partially cover up the chat... It really is a pain... btw, I play with 1920x1080 resolution... Maybe at lower resolutions the chat box would be covered up by these windows. Still no reason to make the chat box disappear entirely. It should just be layered underneath...
  3. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    This is good, but I hope they actually fix the PvP chat first. Currently when a PvP match starts, all my chat messages disappear and when a PvP match ends, they re-appear but chat messages during the PvP match disappear.
  4. Belei

    Belei Forum Greenhorn

    Hello, there!

    Great idea!!!

    I believe it would relieve communication of many misunderstandings, make it flow.


    Trying to communicate with other while they are:
    • Going though thier inventory and looking at thier character sheet at same time
    • Just looking at thier character sheet
    • Talking to a merchant
    is a royal pain in the patootie.

    To this end can we get the chat displays and/or chat window moved to the center bottom?

    It would follow all the same rules as normal, just when a left panel is open, it shifts to the middle. Maybe add an option to turn this effect on/off in the Options.

    If ya don't ask, ya often can't get. Just saying.
  5. jcdenton007

    jcdenton007 Forum Apprentice

    I feel they possibly hard-coded the UI and would have to go back in and soft-code it so that it can be moved/resized/adjusted at will. I know I'm not the only person that would LOVE to reduce the size of those 2 giant balls of health and resource so I can see more of the battlefield itself.

    The UI in particular is in dire need of 'UI Scaling'. As a bonus, I feel proper UI scaling might also resolve this issue and many other issues at the same time. Have both global and per-object scaling preferably as well as some more chat customization.
    Belei likes this.
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