Circus Monstrorum Infernal III

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Zigan, Apr 5, 2018.

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  1. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    cdeepal, ROOK and Zoltan like this.
  2. _Baragain_

    _Baragain_ Living Forum Legend

    Not bad, but 3:33 and 5:14 were both a matter of luck more than anything.
    Jhinstalock and Zigan like this.
  3. Zoltan

    Zoltan Junior Expert

    Thanks for posting the video. As a DK with a long way to go it is always fun to watch someone with the experience and skills to make it look easy. I am going to change the way I set up my skills for boss fights based on watching this. Was also unsure whether to aim for Q4 or Q7 build. Watching how it can be done with Q7 has now pushed me in that direction.
    Thanks again and would love to watch any other videos you take the time to post.
    Zolty (Tegan)
    Zigan likes this.
  4. ROOK

    ROOK Someday Author

    Zigan likes this.
  5. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    Solid character and powerful game play. Me like it :p
    Zigan likes this.
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