Feedback Class Rebalancing - Dragonknight

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by Mal3ficent, Apr 17, 2018.

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  1. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    Dear Heroes of Dracania

    Please tell us the skills of the Dragonknight which in your opinion still needs to be reworked.
    A short description why and how you would change it would be very helpful.
    Please try to keep it short and precise.

    If you are unsure what sort of feedback is being asked for, please read this thread.
    Any off-topic posts/pointless rants will be deleted.

    Thank you for your support.

    Your Drakensang Online Team
  2. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    First of all, it would be nice if You can list all the changes that You have, or are going to make to the class, so we have an idea of what we are giving feedback on.

    1. Please give back the 5 point talent for Banner. The 35% Attack Speed increase is really necessary for DK.

    2. When Tanking, it is important for a DK to hold aggro. DK cannot hold agro when it is stunned, and when this happens poor innocent people could die. For now on live servers, we are doing this mainly with the help of a Steam Mecanicus who would spawn a Tesla on the spot where the DK is at. However, now as You are removing this skill from the Tesla, the following are my suggestions:

    2.A. Give this Talent back to the Steam Mech. (As Wisdom Talents are now PvE only, it would not be abused in PvP)
    2.B. If not, give this as a Group Talent to every class except for the Dragon Knight. So, this can only be used in Group play.
    Shansurri likes this.
  3. Zigan

    Zigan Forum Apprentice

    1- Smash damage should not be changed. %240 is not even high compared to other classes' damage skills. (eg. Frozen sphere or Explosive Arrow)

    2- 5 point for Banner should not be changed. The new one is complete garbage. If you really want to remove the attack speed buff, at least give us something useful in boss fights. New one is only for mobs and we dont even open banner for killing mobs...

    3- 5 point for Furious Battle Cry should not be changed. 30 second base cooldown is too high compared to other classes' evade skills (Teleport 10 sec, Adrenaline 20 sec).
  4. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    I agree.

    My test character is not end game, and as there has also been some tweaks to the changes on the test server, it is hard to know what is going to happen.

    As was pointed out in the other feedback thread, these things need to be considered:

    It would also be nice if the dev's would deign to explain why some of these changes/nerfs are needed in pve (which is the supposed purpose of this re-balancing).

    The what and why would allow us to better give feedback on the changes.
    EhtovK likes this.
  5. osiris

    osiris Forum Greenhorn

    • First of all smash damage sould not be changed
    • Some cooldown of skill should be normal(5point ability-rage jump and battle cry)
  6. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    I fully agree in regards to smash and banner of war not to be nerfed.
    I agree because as previously stated not every DK opts to use Q7 which is a huge game changer to damage dealt per second both increase in damage and the 50% increased smash speed.

    I agree with the 25% attack speed in rage jump that is something cool that can be explored with other weapons.

    I would be going out on a limb here but rage attack overpowers rageful swing by quite a margin when it comes to boss fights due to the cooldown from rage attack

    Since the rageful swing is not quite as viable adding 10% to 25% damage as the 3 skill point would be nice.

    The opponents dealing less damage is not going to help much since they do bleed.

    I am basically asking for you guys to make Q4 much more viable vs boss fights and hoards.
  7. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    +1 to that. I've spent a ton of materi frags to buy a decent Q4 weapon. I'd love to know why the dev's are determined to make everyone in the game buy the Q7 set?
    Phyrix likes this.
  8. Veer

    Veer Forum Greenhorn

    I prefer Dso needs to care Mighty Wild Swing than Smash or any other offensive skills for DK. Before the coming of 'Smash' I did a lot of class Battles using Mighty Wild Swing as in PVP & PVE. U should give 'MWS' more damaging Power than Smash or any other offensive weapon for DK. Having 6+ yrs in Dso with my DK I understood 'MWS' is the only Primary Powerfull Only Offensive Weapon For DK' till now.Also make Dragon Hide skill time for +2 secs =10 secs, for now it is only active for 8 secs. These are only the '2' primary weapons that needs skill to play & others are just fun. If U made this weapons to its good,then it be 'Rejoice' for DK fans & it includes me.
  9. KubQn

    KubQn Forum Apprentice

    I agree. 2h War is uber op now, but the reason is simple. Q7 Set and that attack (I don't remember how to spell it correctly in English xD) which reduces CDR.

    By nerfing smash dmg, AS from flag you're needlessly nerfing every War.

    Instead of that I would consider making Q7 Set and that attack weaker, because atm you're nerfing everything but not that what make's 2h War make bosses in 15sec.

    How should be nerfed? Idk, I can't say that since my main char. isn't War so I'm not exprienced enough.

    Also consider making Q4 set stronger, it's too weak atm.
  10. Sulayman

    Sulayman Forum Apprentice

    Hi everyone,

    It's been a long time since I posted something. In light of the recent changes shown on the test server, I'm giving you here a list of skills and talents for DK, and this list is true as of the time this post was published.

    I hope you find this data useful especially for those who are unable to log into the test server for some reason, and I apologize for any typos that you might find. Please do point those typos out so it can benefit everyone. Thank you, and good hunting!

    I. Rage Attack
    - deals 100% of your base damages as physical damage
    - per successful hit: +8 rage
    - target: single enemy
    - costs: 0 rage
    - essence costs: 1
    - cool-down: 0s
    1. Rage Frenzy
    o per successful hit: increases rage from 8 to 10​
    2. Fanaticism
    o each successful hit grants the fanaticism buff
    o fanaticism buff:
    § +10% attack speed
    § +5% movement speed
    § lasts for 5.0 seconds
    § can stack up to 5 times​
    3. Incite
    o per critical hit: -1 second for all active skill cool-down times​

    II. Smash
    - smash the enemies directly in your path with a powerful blow
    - deals 200% of your base damage as physical damage
    - group effect
    o per critical hit:
    § increases damage of all group members by 5% in a range of 10 meters
    § lasts for 3.0 seconds
    § effect is not stackable​
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 18 rage
    - essence costs: 3
    - cool-down: 0s
    1. Merciful Blow
    o per final blow: +6 rage​
    2. Tit for Tat
    o each successful hit grants the tit for tat buff
    o tit for tat buff:
    § +5% attack speed
    § lasts for 2.0 second
    § can be stacked up to 3 times​
    3. With All Your Might
    o increases damage of Smash by 20%
    III. Rageful Swing
    - Delivers a sideways blow and attack more than one enemy in your way.
    - deals 100% of your base damage as physical damage
    - +5 rage
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 0 rage
    - essence costs: 2
    - cool-down: 0s
    1. Little Strokes
    o per successful hit: +1 rage with a chance of 50%​
    2. Powerful Swing
    o hit enemies will suffer from the powerful swing debuff
    o powerful swing debuff:
    § hit enemies deal 20% less damage
    § lasts for 3 seconds​
    3. Bloody Cuts
    o hit enemies will suffer from the bloody cuts debuff
    o bloody cuts debuff:
    § deals 25% of your base damage as physical damage per second
    § lasts for 4.0 seconds​

    IV. Bloody Wild Swing
    - unleash a wild swing, attacking surrounding enemies.
    - deals 45% of your base damage as physical damage
    - hit enemies will bleed, suffering -0.4% of your base damage per second as physical damage (typo?)
    - lasts for 4.0 seconds
    - group effect:
    o per critical hit: all group members in a range of 10 meters will have 1.00% of their health points restored.​
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 27 rage
    - essence costs: 4
    - cool-down: 1s
    1. Cutting Aura
    o increases bloody wild swing's range by 40%​
    2. Deep Cuts
    o increases the damage of bloody wild swing by 22%
    o hit enemies will suffer from the slow debuff
    o slow debuff:
    § -40% movement speed
    § -20% attack speed
    § lasts for 4.0 seconds​
    3. Bloody Rage
    o per successful hit: +2 rage​

    V. Rage Jump
    - Jump towards your enemies and surprise them.
    - jump distances of 10 meters
    - landing causes 125% of your base damage as physical damage to all enemies within a 2 meter radius.
    - +40 rage when striking at least one enemy
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 0 rage
    - essence costs: 2
    - cool-down: 15s
    1. Quick Landing
    o increases the rage built up by rage jump to 60​
    2. Toughening Impact
    o +186% armor value
    o +186% elemental resistance values
    o lasts for 3.0 seconds​
    3. Deep Impact Buff
    o +25% attack speed
    o lasts for 3.0 seconds​

    VI. Ground Breaker
    - Create a seismic shock wave which will travel in one direction and make everyone in its way tremble
    - deals 100% of your base damage as physical damage
    - stuns enemies for 3.5 (pvp: 2.0) seconds
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 27 rage
    - essence costs: 2
    - cool-down: 10s
    1. Domino Effect
    o per successful hit: +5 rage​
    2. Even Keel
    o removes ground breaker's rage costs​
    3. Splitting Earth
    o when the shock wave has reached its maximum range, it will explode
    o explosion deals 200% of your base damage as fire damage to all enemies within a 3 meter radius​

    VII. Furious Battle Cry
    - Unleash a dragon's battle cry.
    - +40 rage
    - grants the furious battle cry buff
    - furious battle cry buff:
    o +40% movement speed
    o lasts 5.0 seconds​
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 0 rage
    - essence costs: 0
    - cool-down: 30s
    1. Build Anger
    o increases the rage gained from furious battle cry to 60​
    2. Tear
    o frees you from stuns and any other debuffs​
    3. Battle Armor
    o +2% block strength for every enemy in a range of 10 meters
    o lasts 3.0 seconds
    o can stack up to 10 times​

    VIII. Iron Brow
    - Attack your enemy with a powerful headbutt
    - deals 50% of your base damage as physical damage
    - hit enemies will suffer from shred armor debuff
    - shred armor debuff:
    o reduces enemies' armor value by 85%
    o reduces enemies' elemental resistance values 85%
    o lasts for 5 (pvp: 3) seconds​
    - target: single enemy
    - costs: 18 rage
    - essence costs: 2
    - cool-down: 7s
    1. headshot
    o per successful hit: +40 rage​
    2. head to head
    o stuns hit enemies for 2.0 (pvp: 1.5) seconds​
    3. headhunter
    o each critical hit or final blow: every enemy in range of 3 meters will suffer from the shred armor debuff​

    IX. Charge
    - Charge forward to thwart an escape for your target.
    - charge up to 10 meters forward
    - deals 100% of your base damage as physical damage
    - all enemies on the way to the way to the targeted spot will be stunned for 3.0 (pvp: 2.0) seconds.
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 27 rage
    - essence costs: 2
    - cool-down: 10s
    1. Advance
    o reduces charge's rage costs by 5​
    2. Powerful Charge
    o increases damage of charge by 75%​
    3. Recharge
    o per hit enemy: reduces all active skill cool-down times by 2%​

    X. Mighty Wild Swing
    - Crush all enemies around you with a mighty swing
    - deals 200% of your base damage as physical damage
    1. powerful aura
    o increases mighty wild swing's range by 40%​
    2. bottled anger
    o reduces mighty wild swing's rage costs by 20​
    3. rush of blood
    o regenerates 20% of the damage you caused in health points​

    XI. Dragon Hide
    - Activate the dragon's resistance inside you.
    - grants the dragon hide buff
    - dragon hide buff:
    o +11885 armor value
    o +11885 elemental resistance values
    o lasts for 8 seconds​
    - target: self
    - costs: 0 rage
    - essence costs: 0
    - cool-down: 1m 0s
    1. Dragon's Meal
    o while dragon hide buff is active: regenerates 30% of the damage you caused in health points​
    2. Pact of the Dragon
    o frees you from stuns and any other debuffs you are suffering from upon activation​
    3. Golden Scales
    o while dragon hide buff is active: you are immune to all debuffs, except for damage over time effects​

    XII. Banner of War
    - drive a banner of war into the earth.
    - places a battle arena
    - battle arena is active for 10.0 seconds
    - you will fall into a battle frenzy as long as you are inside the arena
    - battle frenzy buff: reduces all skill costs by 100%
    - group effect:
    o +0.75% attack speed for all group members inside your battle arena
    o effect is not stackable​
    - target: area
    - costs: 54 rage
    - essence costs: 0
    - cool-down: 1m 0s
    1. Intimidate
    o -40% movement speed for all enemies within your battle arena​
    2. Mighty Banner of War
    o deals 30% of your base damage as fire damage per second to all enemies within your battle arena​
    3. Law of the Strong
    o every enemy that dies within your battle arena activates law of the strong
    o law of the strong effect:
    § +2% damage
    § lasts for 5.0 seconds
    § can stack up to 50 times​

    XIII. Fury of the Dragon
    - Unleash the fury of the dragon to shake the earth
    - creates a crack in the earth for 4.0 seconds
    - deals 150% of your base damage as fire damage every second to all enemies in the affected area
    - -40% movement speed for enemies in the affected area
    - target: multiple enemies
    - costs: 54 rage
    - essence costs: 6
    - cool-down: 0s
    1. Trembling Scorn
    o increases movement speed reduction of enemies from 40 to 80%​
    2. Rage Outburst
    o reduces fury of the dragon's rage costs by 10​
    3. Last Eruption
    o creates a shock wave, 4.2 seconds after impact, with a radius of 3 meters
    o shock wave deals 100% additional damage
    o each enemy hit by the shock wave will be stunned for 2.0 (pvp: 1.0) second(s).​

    XIV. Outburst
    - unleash a blood-curdling battle cry
    - for each enemy within a 7 meter radius:
    o +0.4% attack speed
    o +0.4% critical hit rate
    o lasts for 10.0 seconds
    o can stack up to 50 times​
    - target: self
    - costs: 54 rage
    - essence costs: 0
    - cool-down: 0
    1. Condemn
    o taunts enemies within 10 meters, forcing them to attack you for 3.0 seconds​
    2. Invigorating Anger
    o grants you the invigorating anger buff:
    § regenerates 2% of your max health points per second
    § lasts for 5.0 seconds​
    3. Burning Heatwave
    o 30% chance of burning enemies in range of 7 meters
    o burn debuff:
    § deals 20% of your base damage as fire damage per second
    § lasts 3 seconds​
  11. Marsicanus

    Marsicanus Forum Veteran

    DK have 4 skill that give him rage and 8 abilities:
    1) Rage Attack->Rage Frenzy: increase rage from 8 to 10
    2) Smash->Merciful Blow: per final blow + 6 rage
    3) Rageful Swing->Little Strokes: +1 rage with a chance of 50%
    4) Bloody Wild Swing->Bloody Rage: +2 rage
    5) Ground Breaker->Domino Effect:+5 rage
    6) Rage Jump->Quick Landing: increase rage from 40 to 60
    7) Furious Battle Cry->Build Anger: increase rage from 40 to 60
    8) Iron Brow->Headshot: +40 rage

    and some else that reduce rage costs.

    DK get rage when he receive damages so we really need all that abilities?

    I use only Rage Frenzy because I use talent points for better skills.

    In PvE we have wisdom bonuses so I don't need anything else.
    In PvP I need something that give me a chance to get close to other classes that can spam arrows, magic missiles from distance (somethimes enemies is out of screen).
    In PvP DK will be weaker than now and he will haven't movement bonuses so we will hit more times than now because it will be more difficult avoid enemy fire.
    In 5vs5 a DK that want carry flag must use many wisdom points on movement speed. After we can't use (wisdom don't affect PvP and there aren't movement bonuses) so a DK with movement malus will be a perfect target and if he use Jump, Battle Cry or Charge he lost flag.

    PS: some translation are wrong
    English language
    Rage Jump->Deep Impact Buff: +25% attack speed

    Italian language
    Rage Jump->Deep Impact Buff: +25% movement speed
  12. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador

    The major change to Charge: We lost this.

    "If you hit an already-bleeding foe with Charge, the cooldown time won't be activated."

    This was incredibly useful in some boss fights. Make it a pve only thing if necessary.

    Seems that we also lose the ability to remove or reduce costs from a couple of skills, which will hurt in some cases like with jump.

    Combined with no more possible free charge, this will take some serious getting used to.

    It seems that there is an effort to get players to use BWS, but that doesn't measure up to MWS very well despite the bleed.
  13. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Well the BWS group effect (untested by me) it would be nice if the crits from bleed also healed team members because it would be a mini blood rune effect also the 10 meter range is a bit small especially during boss battles
  14. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador


    1. Cutting Aura
    o increases bloody wild swing's range by 40%
    2. Deep Cuts
    o increases the damage of bloody wild swing by 22%
    o hit enemies will suffer from the slow debuff
    o slow debuff:
    § -40% movement speed
    § -20% attack speed
    § lasts for 4.0 seconds
    3. Bloody Rage
    o per successful hit: +2 rage


    1. powerful aura
    o increases mighty wild swing's range by 40%
    2. bottled anger
    o reduces mighty wild swing's rage costs by 20
    3. rush of blood
    o regenerates 20% of the damage you caused in health points

    If you discount the difference between getting 45% of your dmg vs 200% of your dmg, the regeneration of HP with the MWS makes a huge difference.

    Now the BWS has a "group" effect, but as you mentioned the radius is very small and can't be all that useful in boss fights.

    So why not add the "group" effect to the skill that DK's need and use? Why not add the bleed to the skill that DK's need and use?

    Seems like a no brainer to me.
  15. cdeepal

    cdeepal Forum Baron

    For Bloody Wild Swing to be useful, and for people to consider it as a useful skill, the damage from it needs to be increased.
    In order for the increased damage not to be used in PvP, obviously the increased damage should be increased per number of creatures it hits.

    So, my proposal is for the "Deep Cuts" 3 point talent to increase the damage by 10% x number of creatures hit (for a maximum of 90% base damage), this will make it a useful skill for clearing out lesser mobs faster but will not be useful in PvP for doing damage.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
    Jhinstalock likes this.
  16. Moot

    Moot Active Author

    1.: Revert the banner nerf.
    2.: not directly DK related, but the monster "rebalance" has the greatest impact on DK, so nerf the monsters back to the current live version, because ranged classes being able to farm 2 difficulties higher with the same stats is not balanced
    GlobeTrotter and Phyrix like this.
  17. Phyrix

    Phyrix Count Count

    Thinking about it and most will agree it is the 50% smash speed from the Q7 set that upsets everything when combined with current banner of war it = 85% smash speed which is how a dk is able to do bosses in 15 seconds flat on inf3
    Oh and 15% from the 3 skill talent that makes it 100%
    quote unquote it allows for a dk to do 14 smashes in 3 seconds and that is with 1.765 attack speed now imagine 2 to 2.25 attack speed
    if the Q7 perk was not shortened but smash speed was increased to only 25% it would seriously reduce the damage output and other classes would not point to the speed with which a boss can be done.
    If this happens the 5 point banner perk can be returned
    I still vote for Q4 though up it please
  18. Mal3ficent

    Mal3ficent Guest

    What we need in this feedback thread:
    What we do not need:
    Please just name the skills you think should be reworked and tell us how would you like to be changed.
    Avoid quoting other posts and getting into debate. This thread is not for debate, you can do that in almost any other forum thread.
    Do not get into conversation with other players even if you think their proposal is not acceptable or unreasonable. Just because you cannot point out the flaws of someone's proposal, that does not mean their proposal would be accepted and implemented in the game.
    Let other players express their thoughts and opinions.

  19. Rhysingstar

    Rhysingstar Forum Ambassador


    Lowered from 240% to 200%.

    Should be restored.


    Lost 5 point talent (If you hit an already bleeding foe cool down will not be activated)

    Should be restored as this is a great talent for boss fights, even if it has to be limited to pve only.

    Banner of War:

    Lost 35% attack speed

    Should be restored. The 3 second, 25% rage jump speed bonus does not make up for this much needed talent.
    bruluci likes this.
  20. malasuerte1

    malasuerte1 Forum Apprentice

    The 5 points skill on the Rage Jump is nice. But the new 5 points skill on the Outburst works on 29th and 30th of febryary :) ( btw - i think is useless )

    Smash is still 240%. I read everywhere that is nerfed, but it is not.
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