Suggestion Cleared Map/Dungeon Bonus

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by Sparrowedman, Oct 9, 2016.

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  1. Sparrowedman

    Sparrowedman Forum Apprentice

    I'm relatively new to DSO, so please pardon my perspective on the game.

    Whilst playing "Mystra at Night" (during a Daily Quest to kill 600 Monsters), I cleared the map but walked away with very little (loot, coins, gems, satisfaction, etc).
    Even if I could play that map again (I'm a MAC user after all), I wouldn't want to due to the aforementioned first impression.
    But, I would love if DSO were to have maps/dungeons as part of the achievements.
    A message would congratulate you on clearing the map and tell you to re-enter for more.
    Every time you clear one- it gets tallied, and then (maybe after 20/30/50 times) you are guaranteed some kind of bonus.
    Perhaps even guaranteed the "random drop" from events if you clear the map enough times.

    Side note: All the archers/spitters/throwers in the Dragan event made me want SOME kind of ranged weapon for my DragonKnight (with very minimal "cool down" time of course) so I could get rid of the dozens shooting down on me from above (Mystra at Night). It was like bleeding to death from a thousand paper cuts or being sucked dry from a million mosquitos.
    sebastian_fl likes this.
  2. TwiliShadow

    TwiliShadow Count Count

    I don't know about a bonus, but having some way to indicate that there are no remaining monsters would be nice. I've seen other games have a chat command "/remain" that would tell you "20+" down to "0 creatures remain".
    A note on the map beside the map title would work as well. Some of us like to clear maps the first time through.
    And yes, I understand that there are dungeons that respawn (like Stalgard) and those would most of the time indicate "20+" because only a powerful party could ever get it down to "0".
    Sparrowedman and sebastian_fl like this.
  3. sebastian_fl

    sebastian_fl Count Count

    I would love to have a quest 'kill 1000000000 mobs', so I can use that quest navigation to navigate some of the insane maps we have got here.
    Sparrowedman, knifesss and EhtovK like this.
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