Code: Error 21

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by papalel, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. versrat

    versrat Someday Author

    I'm getting it today as well.....
  2. Elaeis

    Elaeis Forum Greenhorn

    No server available (Error code 21)
    @Grimmag, 11:02 (UTC+01:00)
    map: from Jarlshofn to Torstrond
  3. wctudor

    wctudor Forum Greenhorn

    on heredur too we cant play every time we try change map disconect due to error 21
  4. mypuma14

    mypuma14 Forum Greenhorn

    this happens alot , Removed my premium because of this .I see no reason to pay for a game that is'nt working properly ,It has never worked and it will never do so
  5. MikeyMetro

    MikeyMetro Forum Overlooker

    Just got it on Tegan server trying to enter Wildherz Caverns (normal)

    Luck be with ye,
  6. mtcorpuz

    mtcorpuz Forum Greenhorn

    Error Code 21: Server: Tegan
  7. Pis4r

    Pis4r Forum Greenhorn

    Error Code 21: Server: Werian
  8. Robgon

    Robgon Forum Greenhorn

    Error Code 21 when trying to enter Hidden Sanctum from Dragon Caverns, Tegan server
  9. teddy.bear

    teddy.bear Forum Ambassador

    Greetings everyone, :oops:

    We are aware of the error occurring on and off lately and we apologise for this inconvenience. The system admins are informed of all these reports and they are working on fixing them as soon as possible.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding.
    Best regards,
  10. ross001

    ross001 Forum Apprentice

    error code 21 tegan when trying to log into game
  11. ross001

    ross001 Forum Apprentice

    same here middle of logging on i get server error 21 and game quits on tegan
  12. ross001

    ross001 Forum Apprentice

    started getting it today on tegan cannot even log into the server as i get server error 21
    just wondering premium members compensated for time that we are not able to log into the game because of a problem that yous have created and or things beyond our control in the game as in server errors
  13. trydold

    trydold Forum Greenhorn

    how can that be i was just playing in a sever [teagan] and the game crashed and sends me this msg No server available [error code 21] iv tryed restarting the computer .iv tryed refreshing iv clear cache ,cookies temp file all the normal things you do but every time i go to change maps ,it crashes :( iv noticed its a common problem so im hoping there is a easy fix ? can any one help me plz ?
  14. pestilo295

    pestilo295 Forum Greenhorn

    I get error code 21 when i tried to eneter wildherz cave
  15. .krom70.

    .krom70. Active Author

    hi I have been having this error code 21 as well..i left Hognis Mines showed that when I had clicked the door way to enter shut off...then on rebooting..some virus running ...ect..I had logged back has just done it again.while I am supposed to be with game member ..gapping them and helping them in atlantis..again it had happened upon clicking the door to that map...leaving ashraya.....error code 21 cant find server ....comes up a lot lately..complete game crash and never has before..i have weakl wi fi already...however our building manager has installed a booster for the tennants that use this wi fi has improved overall speed and performance ...but cant explain this server crash every other time I have gone to log on...after the whole day of it..its easy to figure out how you would feel..not to mention the other gamers that are in now they are wondering why this happens and where am I to help them.,.frustrating..yes....
  16. HardenedHearts78

    HardenedHearts78 Forum Greenhorn

    I got error 21 as well. With the character MagicIvy, when I entered Heart of Atlantis
  17. nasowas

    nasowas Junior Expert

    Tegan is infected with error 21. Got it trying to go into Varholm, got it trying to leave KH, toon stuck surrounded by a hundred other toons in KH speaking foreign languages on the US server. Not fun, not fun at all.
  18. .krom70.

    .krom70. Active Author

    I guess anyones is good to respond here..but stuck in hognis mines..i have logged in for the fourth time..that error code is up again ..halting day of premium back pack use is toast..i have logged in more than I have played...this is concerne......I am not sure to event try to log in cant get to any map...I was just in group with players last time..had to try to find them..logging back in...kinda wasted my whole afternoon and ...not good...I have read lots here yes///I am trying toi explain that this issue has ruined my last day of pack use..if I had premium..probably wait till it was fixed or justy mull through however.the gift of premmy was harboured by many relogging back fact last time this game was freezing and that started.. I ran malware pulled three viruses I am very hesitant about online altogether...coincidence or is someone trying stuff in the server..hmmmm?
    many players are affected bt this and we that are trying to use the time well with the space gift for a while..i don't think that went well for issues held that I haven't the use of my guy correct..according to post above another player cant get out of that area late telling you what many are already....adda day to our pac k use so we can get past this loss of time.i took day off for this..?... but check the server..see how many times it held me in hognis mines cant even get out to farm simple green...????
  19. schwarzeArrow

    schwarzeArrow Forum Greenhorn

    Tegan server: error 21 every time i tried to move to hidden sanctum from dragon caverns !!!!!!!
  20. Meph9

    Meph9 Forum Greenhorn

    Error code 21 beginning with going to Misty Ridge on Agathon server, now client keeps crashing also. At this point I give up
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