Code: Error 21

Discussion in 'General Archive' started by papalel, Sep 26, 2014.

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  1. Pis4r

    Pis4r Forum Greenhorn

    error 21 Werian in Full Mon event
  2. baca69

    baca69 Forum Apprentice

    i try to get into m2 since over 48h but seams like being nightmare everytime u get in with the group u cant see rest of grp members also drops none,i tho this suppouse to be fixed asap....
  3. babaroga

    babaroga Someday Author

    Even in Mortis Courtroom map this error is active ^_^ edit server heredur
  4. Duriastriker

    Duriastriker Forum Inhabitant

    I know people have probably have gotten to, I recently got it, "No Server Available (Error Code 21). I just want it to be known incase this past server restart was to fix that..."Passing it on to the community"

    It was fine, until I entered event map, got the error. Closed client, got it again when choosing characters, had to reinstall twice to fix it.
  5. supermask

    supermask Forum Greenhorn

    Help me please I got error 23... please ....Anyone know how to fix it....please tell me....Admin help me i got 28day premium....
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