Feedback Collection of Ideas ‘New’ New Moon Event

Discussion in 'Discussions on Current Topics' started by teddy.bear, Oct 2, 2015.

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  1. Darwarren

    Darwarren Count Count

    Overall, that is fantastic concept and development! Well done! BP should hire you.

    The only complication I can foresee is on the completed ritual. Some heroes will let her die, just to get the better loot. Not very heroic, bad precedent. LOL
  2. Novadude

    Novadude Commander of the Forum

    Good idea, but these sets are way too overpowered/unbalanced. Terrible gear idea if it gets unleashed on the game, I think the various multiplier bonuses need to be significantly tamed down.
  3. Willhand

    Willhand Forum Greenhorn

    Thank you very much! I changed what bothers you and I think is better now! Take a look!
    Darwarren likes this.
  4. -Skygazer-

    -Skygazer- Advanced

    I am seriously impressed. Great effort, awesome idea!

    (Small correction: they have changed what they initially named "block chance" to the correct term "block strength")
  5. taketh

    taketh Regular

    I agree with Manoj that it takes too long to farm for wood for New Moon (please don't address this by making it equally hard to farm silver essence).

    I would like to see Jullov drop something nice, particularly in New Moon in which he is sometimes left frozen because the group see no reason to kill him. A garunteed ticket to blackborg would be nice loot for killing him.