Support Common Yarn

Discussion in 'General Forum' started by Relinyth, Jul 11, 2023.

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  1. Relinyth

    Relinyth Forum Greenhorn

    Hey DSO team,

    I'm a pretty fresh lvl 100 and can pretty much not solo any dungeons at all, thats why I've joined a guild recently... But you can't always play in a group and wanted to get alot stronger.
    So I searched up some items and the crafting recipe and I came along The Nefatari Cloak.. I really wanted to craft this item but I can only solo the boss on low difficulty so I chose Painful mode. Killed the boss a 100 times after awhile now wanting to craft the cloak I saw that I needed Yarn. Thought u can different rarity's but that was not the case. I can only use common yarn. Now I looked up to how I craft it and came to the conclusion I need to skim cloaks in the workbench, common cloaks or via monster/boss drops. Here comes the problem, I've done 10 stonekeep runs on Painful, and 10 destructor runs on painful and have gotten a stunning 1 single yarn.... Is it maybe possible to get the yarn via a other way, like paying ? or can I maybe get my key of prowess back if that isnt the case? My IGN is Unialithii.

    I hope we can come to a solution,

    FAALHAAS likes this.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    All those different rarity ingredients are just stupid. Not just annoying for new players who try to craft an item, but if you want to unlock multiple tonics/elixers/potions you also forced to play lower difficulty as a strong player cus otherwise you wont have enough.

    Could be improved if we´re able to buy them with materi or gold.

    But goodluck farming them. Pretty sure normal yarn also drop from normal bosses, but not sure if thats still the most efficient way of farming them nowadays.
  3. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Farming yarn is indeed tedious, especially white yarn. Go for medusa normal mode as the spawn animation is very short and look out for white cloaks to unravel. There isn't really a faster way to do it.
    -JustForFun- likes this.
  4. Relinyth

    Relinyth Forum Greenhorn

    My main problem is, I've now done 30 more runs of bosses and haven't come across a SINGLE common cloak, I need 300 yarn more so that means I need 30 more cloaks?? Isn't that just simpely outrageous for a COMMON item? I mean, I get it it was green yarn but this is COMMON. I think they should make it easier to get. I truely think getting common Yarn is one of the hardest things in DSO and that is just stupid in my opinion.

    FAALHAAS Forum Duke

    You might be better of just farming endless maps like desert or subburbs on normal. I tried myself on a fresh lvl100 and got couple of yarns and capes in 2-3 runs
  6. SillySword

    SillySword Regular

    Long long time ago, NORMAL/WHITE items were totally removed. I have no idea why these items came back again in following CE. Tier level of items were gone also. Does yarn still have a quest line to collect? Now NORMAL/WHITE items are not easy to found. It's a long story and embarrassing.
  7. StayinFrosty

    StayinFrosty Junior Expert

    Yes it is tedious as I said previously and of course it creates a problem especially for newer players. We have reported this alongside many many many other problems but nothing ever comes from it. I would say you have 3 options: Ignore crafting the cloak completely, Go through the pain of getting enough yarn or try your luck at getting the ingredient hunter jewel (either from the glowing cave or summer bags that are coming with the summer festival event)
    -JustForFun- likes this.